the last time we talked, Mr Smith, you reduced me to tears

May 17, 2009 14:29

I wanna talk to you.

I've got another confession to make. The curator is dead. What. The. Hell. According to some guy who randomly turned up and said he was on some Board of Somethings or... something >.> I have to remain as acting-curator until they can find a suitable replacement.

You'd think I'd be happy to be in charge of the museum, right? Oh, you're so naive. It's not a good thing. It means I actually have to go to work every day and I'm not allowed to take obnoxious amounts of days off. It also means that I have to put job-hunting on hold (yes I am planning on dumping my museum job, seeing everyone in books and as statues, etc. is kind of creepy) meaning my escape from here is to be postponed.

I can't escape this hell, so many times I've tried.

And what in the name of the gods is going on with the talking?

plz to be dying slowly and painfully, my drift: please catch it, dancing naked, cronus' head on a pike, i'm right they're wrong, fun little games of death, me can has revenge?

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