May 12, 2005 17:38
We turned off the country radio and said if you want me just say so. Yeah. I am bored. My hair feels really odd. Yesterday was my last day of suspension. I dont know why but i could not get to sleep last night. I stayed up all night and watched TV and listened to music. Around 3 i played guitar (unplugged, duh), i wrote a song with all open chords (so far). Yeah, after that i just watched more TV. Around 5 i went downstairs and went on my computer. Surfed myspace and found a cool forum of potheads. I joined. around 6 i got in the shower and then when i got out i got dressed and stoof. I ended up bringing my guitar to schoolt oday, i dont really know why. But i played it when i could, it was fun. I got there at like 7:10...Went to the cafe and saw Kate, i walked her to the library so she could sign in and then i went to homeroom. I just pulled out my guitar and started playinggg. A few minutes after i sat down..guess who walked through the door? MARLENA!! ohh i missed her muchly. It was great to see her. after homeroom me and Marlena walked me to my locker and then left me, and i went to SSP. I went to my bio class to get work to make up and i went back to SSP and did some of it, then i played my guitar. Second period was math. Yeah, fucking boredom? All we did was the packet things we've been working on for the past two weeks? Somethign like that. ::Shrugs::. Third period was SSP. I did my math makeup work and stuff, and then played guitar. Bio..oi i dont remember, we did a few worksheets or something. KINKY! :-p. Lunch i just went up to my English class and played guitar and waited for people to show up. Dan and Nick showed up and were idiots, and i played more guitar. Yeah. Uhh in English we just worked on the essays weve beenw riting for like a million years. All i did was go on Myspace and AIM all period, it was fun. SOC...uhh we did this worksheet thing and talked about stuff, typical history. Art sucked. I sketched out a design for the next project were doing..oh how i fucking hate you mr abbet. Just talked to Fletcher, Monica, and the Amandas the whole time. It was fun? At the end of the class i got a hug from mandy, it was cool. So then i left and went home and went online and like 4 hours later here i am. Please comment on my boring life
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