#256 - [FIC] - Dream Come True - EunHae oneshot

May 10, 2011 22:06

Title: Dream come true
Author: murderis  
Chapters: oneshot
Pairing: EunHae (Eunhyuk/Donghae)
Genre: romance, fluff, you name it
Rating: PG
Warnings: weirdness
Disclaimer: I owned them, I totally did, I bought them on ebay, but SME claimed them back so no, I don’t own them.
Summary: Donghae gets into an accident, loses consciousness and has the weirdest dream ever.
A/N: well idk. This is kinda weird. And I was lazy to finish it until now. :D

Donghae was sitting on a beach. He didn’t know how he got there. He didn’t know why it was so silent and empty. He was about to look for people when out of nowhere a boy plopped next to him.

“Hi!” he smiled. “I’m Eunhyuk, you?”
“I’m Donghae…”
“Donghae? Just like the east sea! Cool! I’m glad you came here, I was getting lonely lately,” the boy rambled. He looked so hyper compared to confused Donghae.
“Eunhyuk… where am I?”
“Here,” he smiled and got up. “Now let’s go! I’ll show you my place. And from now on it will be your place too.”

Eunhyuk turned around and ran away. Donghae had to react quickly so he doesn’t lose him from his sight.

After ten minutes or so, they reached a small and cozy looking house on a hill. It was surrounded by trees and Donghae could see a small garden and it all looked really nice.

“That’s where I live,” Eunhyuk said enthusiastically. They went inside and he showed Donghae around. Donghae found it a little strange how this boy let him in so easily, but it’s not like he was bothered by it.

They spent the whole day sitting on a porch, eating watermelons and talking. Donghae found out that Eunhyuk was older than him by only six months and that he’s been living here for a while with only his two dogs. One was named Choco and the other didn’t have a name - Donghae suggested to name him Bada, since it looked like the puppy he had back home.

Eunhyuk made dinner later and they both ate in silence now. Donghae helped Eunhyuk do the dishes after dinner. Eunhyuk led him to his room right after, since the brunette felt really tired even though he didn’t do anything. He tucked the younger into the bed, kissed his forehead and wished him sweet dreams. Donghae felt almost at home.


The next morning Donghae was awakened when Bada started licking his face and Eunhyuk was softly laughing at it.

“Okay Bada, stop, it’s enough now,” he said when he saw Donghae open his eyes and try to shoo the dog away. “I got you clean clothes and a towel there, take a shower and come for breakfast.”

Donghae found a simple shirt and jeans at the end of the bed and by the looks of it, they fit him perfectly. After taking a shower, Donghae found Eunhyuk on the porch, breakfast ready. He was kinda touched, because he himself wouldn’t take care of a stranger like that. After breakfast, Eunhyuk took Donghae to the beach. He showed him all of his favorite places, all the dangerous places, all the nicest places, everything. The beach seemed endless when they were just walking like that, but Donghae didn’t even notice when they got home. They sat on the porch until it got dark again, this time Donghae doing the talking. The day ended without them even noticing, and Donghae still didn’t know what this place was.


There was no Bada in the morning again, only Eunhyuk gently nudging Donghae until he opened his eyes. This time, Eunhyuk took Donghae on a walk not only on the beach, but just everywhere. He showed him what he had to know again and told him a bunch of stories and Donghae was just amazed at how many adventures Eunhyuk had in this empty place.


Donghae was tossing and turning in his bed for God knows how long - he didn’t have a clock and couldn’t check. He just couldn’t fall asleep no matter how many sheep or other animals he counted. So he decided to just go and look around. Looking around got him to Eunhyuk’s room. Eunhyuk had been sleeping, but just as the light from the hallway reached his eyes he woke up and lifted himself up on his elbows.

“Donghae?” he rubbed his eyes a little. “Is that you?”
“Sorry, I woke you up, I’ll go,” Donghae shuffled his feet, standing in the doorway.
“No, it’s okay. Is something wrong? Come here,” Eunhyuk made some space in his bed and lifted up his blanket, inviting Donghae to join him. The latter did, and they lay really close, with Eunhyuk hugging Donghae, since there wasn’t a lot of space in Eunhyuk’s small bed.
“I just can’t sleep,” Donghae said and turned his head to Eunhyuk.
“What’s bothering you?”
“What… what exactly is this place?” Donghae asked and felt Eunhyuk tense a little next to him. Was it that hard to just say where they are? Eunhyuk sighed.
“It’s your mind.”
“What do you mean?”
“You’re in your mind, I guess,” Eunhyuk said as if it was the most natural thing in the world.
“What- How did I get here?” Donghae continued with the questions, feeling more confused than the first day.
“Something happened and you came here. An accident I think.”
“Am I… dead?” the younger asked, terrified.
“Am I in coma?”
“Not really. You’re unconscious,” Donghae couldn’t really understand how Eunhyuk kept so calm now. He didn’t know what to do with himself, being in his mind and all, but Eunhyuk - he was just laying here and talking like it was an everyday thing.
“I have to wake up!” Donghae jumped up in the bed.
“You can’t. It’s not time. I can’t let you do it.”
“What do you mean?” Donghae was getting pretty angry now, how could Eunhyuk not let him wake up? He’s the one who’s dying; he should be able to decide when to wake up. “You have to wake me up!”
“Calm down Donghae! If you’re going to freak out here it will only get worse in real life,” Eunhyuk stated, trying to get a hold of Donghae.
“You don’t understand! I’m dying somewhere in real word,” he sobbed now, tears forming in his eyes. “And you’re telling me to calm down? I can’t calm down Eunhyuk, damn it! Wake me up now! “
“You’re not dying! I’m here to protect you!”
“I said wake me up-“ Donghae’s yelling was stopped when Eunhyuk pressed his lips on Donghae’s. His palms went up to cup his face, thumbs wiping the tears away. Donghae calmed down instantly and soon Eunhyuk was able to put him into sleep.


Donghae woke up in the empty room, by himself. No Bada again, but no Eunhyuk either. He got up and got dressed - the clothes were on the end of the bed again. The house was empty and Donghae was afraid to go out alone so he just waited. He waited for Eunhyuk to come back and time went by so slowly, he didn’t know how to cope with it. He thought that maybe Eunhyuk left because of how he acted yesterday. He just started blaming himself.

Eventually, after something like a century of waiting, Eunhyuk came back. Donghae didn’t question him or anything, just hugged him tightly and asked not to leave him alone anymore.


After a week or so, there was a storm and Donghae was awakened by the thunder. Eunhyuk was the first thing that came to his mind of course. He went out of his room and saw Eunhyuk sitting on the porch. He slowly approached the trembling boy and hugged him.

“What are you doing here? You’ll catch a cold,” he said and intended to drag him back inside. Eunhyuk didn’t give up though.
“It’s time, Hae,” Eunhyuk murmured, not tearing his gaze away from the cloudy sky.
“What do you mean?” Donghae asked confused and sat next to Eunhyuk.
“You’re waking up,” Eunhyuk turned to Donghae and smiled. “It’s time for you to go.”
“Can’t I- can’t I stay for one more day?”
“You’ll die.”
“Then can I somehow, I don’t know, take you with me?”
“You can’t, Hae. My place is here and your place is there,” Eunhyuk hugged Donghae.
“I’m sorry, Hyuk,” Donghae sobbed next to Eunhyuk’s ear. “Will you forgive me?”
“Why are you sorry?”
“I’m sorry for leaving you here. You’ll be lonely again,” Donghae said as Eunhyuk pulled away and cupped his face.
“It’s time for you to go. And whether I forgive you or not, you’ll find out later. Besides, everything’s fine now,” he said and kissed Donghae one last time, before he just disappeared.

One single tear made its way down Eunhyuk’s cheek, but not because he was sad. It’s because he was happy now.


“Eunhyuk!” Donghae cried out as he opened his eyes. He looked around and saw a few doctors and nurses standing around his bed. Eunhyuk had been pacing behind the doctors’ backs, but as soon as he heard his name being shouted he pushed through them, kneeled next to the bed and took Donghae’s hand.
“I’m here, Donghae,” he smiled, a little confused since he didn’t think he and Donghae knew each other, but Donghae called his nickname. He was happy that the younger man woke up anyways.
“Eunhyuk, you’re here,” Donghae smiled and squeezed his fingers weakly. “I thought I’ll never see you again.”
“Um. Yeah..” Eunhyuk trailed off, a little confused, but also glad, that even though they didn’t know each other, the younger looked so happy. One of the doctors cleared his throat and Eunhyuk moved away after giving Donghae one more smile, and let the doctors examine him.


“So you’re telling me that we lived together in your mind?” Donghae nodded. Hyukjae’s, Eunhyuk’s real name was Hyukjae; cheeks blushed a little before asking another question. “And… we kissed?”
“Mm, twice I think? I don’t really remember what was in between, but when you told me everything you kissed me and then when it was time to go you kissed me again,” Donghae stated calmly, tapping his chin with a finger. Hyukjae sighed.
“Actually… I got you into that accident. I didn’t really look and when you were passing a street I kind of knocked you out… I’m sorry,” Eunhyuk said, giving a quick look to Donghae and then looking down again. “I felt really, terribly guilty so I was here all the while. They helped me contact your parents and friends, everyone visited once in a while, but it seems like I’m the only one that has all the time in the world… And I guess you kind of heard me? I’ve been telling you so many things, even my nickname and about my dog and I didn’t come that one day and… I-I kinda kissed you... twice?”
“You did all that?” Donghae asked and Eunhyuk was preparing himself to be yelled at or maybe even hit, but Donghae just reached out his hand and intertwined their fingers. “Do you, by any chance, like me?”
“Y-yeah.” Hyukjae nodded sheepishly. “I don’t know how that happened since you were in this unresponsive state, but, well, yeah. I like you.”
“Well I thought you weren’t real. But I like you too,” the younger said tilting his head. “Isn’t this just reaaaalllly weird?”
“Stupid,” Hyukjae hit him lightly. “Is that what you say after confessing?”


Donghae recovered faster than expected, after a week and a half he was out of the hospital. Hyukjae was the one to help him check out, but everyone - his parents and friends were waiting outside and they had a little party and it just so turned out that their weird story slipped past their lips and it seemed funny to everyone, but in the end everyone agreed that they look good together.

Hyukjae asked Donghae to move in with him and Donghae’s brain stopped working for a while when he saw that his boyfriend’s house was exactly the same small and cozy looking house on a hill which was surrounded by trees and he could see a small garden and it all looked really nice. He thought that that house belonged to his mind, like the empty island, turns out it didn’t. Even the rooms looked the same and Donghae trailed behind Hyukjae all day, repeating how much he loves him.

The only thing that was different was probably Eunhyuk’s bed, which was actually pretty big and they both fit in it together perfectly. But Donghae liked to curl up on Eunhyuk’s side and the latter liked kissing him before going to sleep. And Donghae thought that this was the best dream that ever came true.

A/N2: the ending is reeeaaallly rushed. But I hope you like it. <333333

b:super junior, p:eunhae, fanfic

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