Chicago's Finest

Jul 17, 2010 10:28

Well, I was bored so I decided to joke around a little on my ex's formspring. Just leaving her random stuff and shit. I didn't say anything threatening at all, the worst thing I said to her was that I'm better than her, and she, jumping to conclusions, starts to talk shit about my family, as if she knows 100 percent that it was me. The fact that she had to resort to that just automatically justifies the fact that I truly am better than her and she is the fucking pathetic one. I'm not going to lie though, the moment I saw that, however, I was immediately transported to freshman year, and how badly I actually wanted to kill her. But those feelings quickly subsided, because I just know that I am better than that.

It should make sense, however, if I mention how this all began.

Like a month or two ago, she randomly messages me asking for closure because we hadn't talked for so long because of the shit that happened our freshman year. I honestly didn't want to talk to her because she brings back a very dark part of my life that I want to forget about in every way, shape, and form. I didn't want to be an asshole about it because I left those days behind me, though, so I was just like, yeah, okay, I'll think about it. No harsh words were spoken. Her trying to come back in my life was probably the worst mistake she could have ever made.

Right now, I'm just glad I didn't stoop myself as low as her and started talking shit right back. I'm glad I finally know who is the mature one and who isn't; who changed and who hasn't. I really am a much better person than her, and I'm not even saying that to be a conceited asshole about it, I finally have evidence now.

Above all, I'm glad I have somebody who is MUCH better than her in every single fucking way, and I mean EVERY single way. Someone that isn't a god damn control freak, someone that loves me for me and doesn't want to change me, somebody who is actually beautiful inside AND out. My ex was not beautiful in any way, inside nor out (and she still isn't). I'm glad me and my ex never got as intimate as me and Janisha, because I would have definitely regretted it. I'm glad I lost my virginity to her and not my ex.

I'm glad I'm nothing like you.
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