Sep 11, 2006 17:59
MY GOD DAMN SNAKE WONT EAT LIVE MICE!!!!!! So here I am with two writhing baby mice and i have NOOOO fucking clue what to do with them, so I call the place where i got them and the girl tells me to FREEZE the little things. How sad is that?! holy crap. i didnt want to do that, but i had to so now I am trying to feed him the dead/once frozen/now thawed mouse and he STILL WONT EAT IT!!!!!! I went through ALL of this because my snake is a picky little shit head, why cant he be more like Phillip? Phillip eats live, or dead mice, he doesnt discriminate. Damn you Timothy, I shall kick your ass.... ok no i wont, but i am super uber pissed that I had to kill two helpless baby mice because he is PICKY!