*//Does The Charleston\\*

Mar 01, 2004 22:00


Greetings People =)....I am in quite a good mood for some reason...not that its unusual or nething =S...well im fine today anyway!!.....School was wel.....school i guess? another ordinary day with the extra shouts from neds and Dome....who of which i was arguin wi in biology cos she was tryin to say me n jason were laffin at her =| she really think she is the centre of every thing....Anyway after school i walked home freezin my ickle bumcheeks off =( and got a txt from sersh to go with her get her lip done...So i did and chrisy got his done to !!.....we had to walk around for a wee while and chrisy bought me n sersh n him ice creams hehe!!...then we went n looked at the cute lil hamsters in ther pet shop bit ...* i wanted one so bad* lol...chrisy got his lip done first and his eyes kinda watered and i think it caused him a lil pain then sersh got hers done and she was squeezin ma handies! and her legs were swingin bout like mad!!.. we then headed off to mcdonalds were i gave some lil ned cheek cos he was callin us all ugly...=P was rather funny chrisy says he has never seen me shout at ne wee neds =P...anyway chrisy bought me a mcchicken sandwich =)) and i had the pleasure of watchin those two try and eat !! hehe what a challange it was for chrisy!! we headed off and got the bus "46" thinkin wo0p goin to b in a nice warm house soon....only to end up in shettleston =$ we gotted on the wrong bus ....but all was not lost we had entertainment at the next bus stop as an old woman done the charleston for us!! heh'...got the bus ....came homesies an walked sersh down a bit.....I have been on msn a wee while talkin to hez n lauren n div.....discovered me n sersh n hez all like the same person "cough" who is very hot indeed *mouth waters* but it wont actually happen for me :P if ne one it shall happen for hez ;)

must now depart to type an essay =(


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