Sep 08, 2006 22:14
I'm going to smack a bitch soon.
She's the only person iv'e ever wanted to bloody this bad.
she dosn't understand anything.
and she has the nerve to call me stupid.
all the time.
She's a follower; and a fake.
i'm tired of it.
maybe if she wasn't a personality theif She'd realize crying in a corner cause she didn't get her way is just going to make the rest of the world her age think she's the biggest loser ever.
Cause i don't like you.
Neither does anyone eles.
That goes for the rest of the assholes that make those kind of comments.
You aren't me.
You just arent.
Don't judge my life before you live it.
you dont go to my school.
you dont work your ass off so that you can maybe achive your dream of graduating high school because you never fucking thought you could do it.
You slide through life.
and whine when the boy you like dosn't want to live at your side.
I don't blame him.
I wouldnt either.
you're fucking standardless.
and would date anything thats sucking air.
then agian you ACTUALLY think your the best thing since sliced bread.
you are a waste of my life.
But I pity you and pretend i'm not bothered when you make rude remarks to my face.
At least i have the courtsey to talk behind your back.
The only thing that could ever bother me, coming from you; and you do it,
fuck you and your 2.5.
i hate you.
you are stupid.
you are way to old for the drama you cause.
youre really not worth it.
at all.
maybe i wouldnt hate you so much if you acted you age.