Nov 04, 2009 22:33
I made a remarkably successful meal using some very uncommon items. Most of you would probably consider them to be unsavory. I wouldn't dare expose you to my culinary madness for my fear of you thinking less of me far outweighs my compulsive need to share every last detail of my feelings on this damn thing. Let's just say, I am proud of my creation.
I read through my friends' page almost every day and I'm embarassed to say that even the stuff people would consider to be boring in their own lives seem more interesting than the stuff that's going on in mine. Not to say I'm bored with my life; far from it. It just seems there's nothing new to report. Well, nothing outside the regular stuff, anyway. Haven gets bigger and smarter every day.My mind wanders as much as it always has. I still think of you often (and fondly). Same ol' shit.
I hope you all had a pleasant Halloween this past week. Trick-or-Treaters were a better turn out this year than in years past but I wonder if commercialism is keeping kids from their creativity. I remember wrapping myself in aluminum foil and going trick-or-treating as a leftover. Now, kids just pick something off the clothing rack. I want to see a kid dress up as the clothing rack next year. That would be creative.
Wish I had more to report.