Dec 22, 2007 06:57
I *just* finished my finals!!!! ahhhhhhh! I have: donned a sari and danced in front of a shitload of people, written a paper about the relationship between gender and imperialism in some modernist novels, written a paper on the representation of Vodou as a complete cosmic system in a really bad late 90s Alan Moore comic book, taken a test during which I just barely caught myself before attributing a Rochester quotation to Pope, and, just now, at 7 in the morning, finished translating (and subtitling) a scene from Firefly into Lunfardo, a cant/slang dialect of Spanish, and writing a paper on the process in which I go into great detail about why I chose to use the word "testiculo" for "testicle" instead of one of the many delightful slang terms Lunfardo would have provided me.
oh gods, now it is break time.