Please, dear Lord, let them tear that awful building down Anybody who hasn't had the aesthetic displeasure of going down I Street toward Farragut Square and passing by this affront to architecture has no idea how truly awful it is. This building is, by far, the worst idea of a church structure that I have ever seen. The article is accurate in describing it as a fortress, if there are any windows they are pretty far up off the ground and the place has all the charm of a concrete bunker. It makes the Cathedral of Our Lady of the Angels look like the Notre Dame de Paris. Seriously, did any decent architectural movements arise out of the middle of the last century? If they actually end up tearing this building down and replacing it with something a little more church-looking (or even just less assaulting on the senses) then I will thank the Christian Scientists and forget about the things I disagree with them about (but only briefly). Any building this awful should never have been placed on the Historic Preservation list, and so they should allow it to be demolished if only to create an opportunity to build some beauty in a part of town that is known for architecture both uninspiring and downright painful to look upon.