This journal is probably 95% friend-locked now. I seem to be locking every single post. >_<"
I lock all posts that I feel are a little too personal (i.e. Personal Pictures, School etc) or whatever I feel like locking.
All my fics are friend and
kis_my_ft2 locked. As long as you're a member of the comm, you can read them. But I don't post updates on the comm.
Here's my fanfic index.
I love Kis-my-ft2, NEWS, KAT-TUN and Kanjani8~
Other units I like would be Arashi, Hey! Say! JUMP, Tackey&Tsubasa, A.B.C, Question? and Kinki Kids.
I adore Ikuta Toma.
Warning: I rant A LOT about kisumai. Hiro especially ♥ They're my ichiban JE group. I don't care that they're still juniors. They kick ass. I'll bite you if you say otherwise. :P
Also, I tend to have very biased opinions. XD And I imagine things a lot. I'm in my own little world quite often. Therefore some things I say are ridiculous or surreal. XD
I'm more than happy to be your friend but I DO NOT tolerate any insults. Be it towards me, my friends, my Japanese hotties or any other idols I like.
Add me as a friend if you like but don't forget to drop me a comment. XD