Jun 21, 2007 21:44
I can't do Accounting. Simple as that. I cannot do my internal. So far, out of about 15 paragraphs I have to write, I've written four. But not just written them. No - I've written them, edited them, added to them, rewritten them from the beginning, edited them, added to them... Each paragraph has been rewritten completely at least once. Yet still, when I put it into a logical order, and read over my pathetic four paragraphs... I die a little inside, because it sucks. It absolutely completely 100% not-even-worthy-of-not-achieved SUCKS.
Tomorrow, I have to show my teacher my notes, and what I've done up until now. Don't get me wrong - I have more than enough to show her. It's not as if I haven't done any work. Ask Leno - I was even writing it on the bus this afternoon. It's just that I get this feeling she'll read it, and wonder what the hell I've been doing in Accounting all year. She'll call me over to her desk, and say to me (cue Predictable Worried Expression), "How much time have you spent on this?" I'll reply, "More time than I have." She'll rush off to her 'people' diva-style, in a flurry, announcing "I cannot work wiss zis! Get her out of my sight!"
If anyone dares tell me "Having a negative attitude won't help, you know," (oh-so-casually) I will throw heavy objects at them. I KNOW it doesn't help. The thing is, my positive attitude doesn't help either. The perfectly clear exemplars I have don't freaking HELP. Nothing can help the fact that I don't know the analysis measures, and it will take actual teaching to get them through to me, so that I can use them.
This is making me tired. I'm going to bed.