Sep 06, 2010 19:28
Suwit [because that's how my little sister pronounce it. :o]
1. I... am home. XD
2. Fandom journal now fully operating at my fc2 account. I think the password is EASY like ABC (murder) for anyone who knows me. And if you don't, I don't see how you get to find that blog in the first place then!
3. I hope that the closing down of that fandom journal does not make some people go and stalk this journal instead because they'd seriously be wasting their time! ><#
4. Need to start on the assignment! BUT I'M SO LAZY! AUGGHHHHHHH!
5. -.- That is all.
p/s: Just found out that a dearest friend of mine, her grandpa is in hospital now, therefore, in any religion, in your ways, please pray for the safety of her grandpa okay, lovelies? X3