
Nov 06, 2008 14:45

Last year, I was given the choice between Honors Calculus with Mr. K, AP Calculus with Mr. D, or Statistics. Statistics, at this point in my educational career, is somewhat useless, so that wasn't an option. I'd had Mr. K before, for Algebra II, and...well, he's pretty cool, I guess, but his teaching style and my learning style are like oil and water, and it resulted in significantly lower grades than I usually get in math classes. So I decided to take AP Calculus, figuring that a 70 in AP was better than a 70 in Honors.

Well, AP was far harder than I'd expected. I'm failing. Failing bad.

It's not that I don't get the material, or that Mr. D is a bad teacher. In fact, he's a bloody fantastic teacher. The problem is that he has to prepare us for the AP exam, which means he gives us tests that require us to pace ourselves. That'd be all fine and dandy, but I can't do math under stress or a time limit. I just can't. I like to spend a lot of time on problems, understanding each and every step I'm doing, moving on to the next problem with confidence that nothing managed to escape my attention. When I have to rush, I do things quickly, and I start questioning my understanding and doubting my accuracy.

So I'm moving down to Honors. On the bright side of things, this means I'll have to drop Anatomy and Physiology...good riddance! I thought we'd learn about the human body and how it works but all it really is, is memorization, memorization, memorization! Mrs. S will be disappointed that she'll be losing her beloved teacher's pet (I didn't even try, either, it just kind of happened) but honestly, I don't care. Her lectures...are lacking.


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