I'm in ur internets, bein homofobik

Jun 12, 2008 13:20

Today is the first day of the rest of my life.


I'm a senior now. Who knows what next year holds in store for me? I'm scared. I now have to assume the role of "role model" for the underclassmen instead of hiding under the soft downy wings of those more mature than my classmates.


all say nights is male, but it looks female. if nights really is male he is GAY.

What would be wrong with that? lol.

a lot

Oh really? Please, do elaborate. Did a gay person ever do anything to you?

*Shadowgirlfan: 5 hours 25 minutes ago
gay is just not normal and :puke:

Haha! Not normal? What's wrong with not normal? Do you think all the amazing artists of the world were normal? Do you think science would be where it is today if scientists were normal? Normal is boring and useless. You may find comfort in your normality, but all I can see is ignorance and misunderstanding.

Oh, and while we're on the subject, NiGHTS has multiple genders. Male, female, neutral, hermaphrodite--heaven forbid THAT be the case though, because it's not normal. He is what you want him to be as, so you can make him as normal as you want.

Are YOU doing your part to benefit the world? BE DIFFERENT!

dumbassery, school

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