Don't mind me, I'm just here to vent.

Feb 25, 2008 19:45

I'd like to know why I get headaches all the time after school. Didn't have a single one over the vacation, and now I'm sitting here the first day back to school and my eyes feel like freshly squeezed lemons and my brain throbs.

I need a new pillow. One I know...sleep on.

So...would anyone like to explain to me how someone can get a 64 average in English class...without missing any assignments? I'm not blaming the teacher at of late I've been in a real emotional slump. And I was quite aware of the lack of quality in my recent assignments; however, I had no idea that it was impacting my grade that much. English is most likely the only subject that has been effected. It's not my strong suit, like math, so I really have to be in the right state of mind for anything to be learned.

This slump of mine could be because of a potpourri of reasons. One, the self-assigned project of doing an over extravagant NiGHTS cosplay...Two, my mother going in for a total thyroidectomy...and three, the utter failure that Gamer's Club has been. When I was a freshman and a sophomore, the previous presidents did...well, pretty much nothing except be there.  "If you build it, they will come," essentially. Three-fourths through my sophomore year, Gamers' Club had to be canceled because of an overflow of rambunctious freshmen and upperclassmen with the mentalities of freshmen, and the lack of punishment dealt to those guilty.

Thus begun the Great Gamer War of 2007.

The main sides of the war were as follows:

Me, who wanted to start Gamers back up and give the Presidential role more responsibility...
Justin, who, despite knowing me for less than half a year, supported my cause and made his willingness to help apparent...
This other girl, who wanted to start Gamers back up without a president,
Some of this girl's "friends", who just followed her because they just love to be cockteased,
And the rest of Gamers' Club, who sat there and were damn unproductive.

But, to understand the complete incredulity of the other side, you have to understand that Gamers' Club, in the year of '07, was not a small club. It was huge. I'd say that we would have upwards of 20 people on any given day. So what could this other girl possibly defend her stance with? The Gamers' Club during the year of '06 was a very small club just big enough to handle the status of being a club. The president during '06 did nothing and we never got in trouble.

So I can understand where she's coming from, but I do think she suffers from Teenage Blindness--an epidemic of kids who are so focused on the here and now that they act as if the future doesn't even exist. But now that I say that I wonder, because if she was truly focused on the here and now, wouldn't she realize that the reason the club fell apart in '07 was because the president had no responsibilities? I suppose it may just be her disability to face realities and wanted everything to happen like it would in her imagination. There's nothing wrong with that, of course, but there's a time that you rely on your imagination, and times you don't...

Fast forward to Gamer's Club '08. Many lives were claimed but eventually, the champion stood, the rest saw their better, good ol' me in a blood-stained sweater (or, would, had this been a song by Lemon Demon). I came with ambition in one hand and an iron fist in another and despite the mind-bogglingly long time it took to start up due to the loss of our previous supervisor, it was great. People smiled, curse words were minimized (but not eliminated) and there were no angry staff members telling us to keep it down.


(you knew it was coming, don't lie)

It all ended when I was suspended.

But, NiGHTS dearest, how does a straight-A student with perfect attendance and an immaculate record get suspended?!

I'll tell you why: Zero tolerance policy.

I decided, one day, to put a mini swiss army multi-tool on my keychain. Oh, the delightful little thing, with its toothpick and tweezers and scissors, it always helped me in great ways that I hadn't even realize existed. But, being the paranoid American school I go to, it had a policy that no knives are to be on school grounds regardless of length. But "Knife" wasn't on your list of things that helped you out! Yes, I know. That's because I didn't use it. Until, one fateful day, I decided to clean the dirt out from under my nails during class.

Two blocks later, I was informed of my doom, sent home after creating clam chowder that smelled of old wet dog, and never saw the inside of the school building for the next 15 days, the weekend after I had taken the SAT.

Probably the most soap-opera-like day of my life. The Perfect Student gets suspended for 10 school days, staff members whose reputations as strict, stern, by-the-book people were shattered in my eyes as I saw them slouching under the weight of their heavy, pained hearts, and my numb emotions as I listened to Born to be Wild on the car radio hoping that, one minute now, I'd wake up from this horrid nightmare and have to go to school next morning.

The next 15 days came and went, and then before I knew it I was sitting in class the Thursday before Christmas vacation, feeling out of place. Gamers' club had not gathered since that day, for I was too afraid to let it happen without my iron fist's presence. That was probably the worst decision of my life, because from then on, Gamers' Club was never the same size. The same five or so people that came were people that would have been hanging out anyway. Had you told me a year ago that, one day, I would find the lack of chaos and disorganization that was Gamers' lifeblood distressing, I would have called you crazy.

So from today on I swear I will no waste my ill-spent enthusiasm on a club that no one will come to. I can be spending all that effort on school, bringing my 64 back into the 90s, and getting my NiGHTS cosplay done and winning me some cosplay contest.

abaadadbadthat's all for now, folks.

suspension, sleep, gamers' club, dumbassery, school, pillow, headaches

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