Just thought I would fill everyone in on a fairly busy weekend :)
On Saturday,
jkyllo and I went shopping at PaperZone with Dave and Suzanne (his cousin and his cousin's wife), and bought pretty much all of our invitation-making supplies. Suzanne came up with the design for the invitations, and I think they are going to be very cool :) We may get together this coming weekend to get started on actual printing and assembly, if
jkyllo and I aren't out of town. Also on Saturday, I played with photos of wedding stuff and uploaded a few to this Scrapbook function here on LJ, so you can check them out if you want (except
jkyllo since I haven't figured out a way to hide the dress pics effectively). They aren't great pics, since I was trying to seriously minimize the file size. I will change them once I play with sizes some more. I'm working on a "bio" for my profile on the Knot, so I'm experimenting with good sizes for online display.
On Saturday night, we met up with a friend from long ago (high school). It was so fun to talk to him, and we had yummy dim sum and a brief shopping trip at Uwajimaya. I found a cute Hello Kitty coin-purse type bag that I am considering to keep my hanky/lipstick/mirror in for the wedding. Nothing like justified accessories :) And yes, I would use it for other occasions besides the wedding. I'm not into one-use items.
Sunday was fairly uneventful, hurray! We slept in a little, didn't do several things we considered, watched a little Veronica Mars (darn you,
jenn2d2!), I went to a yoga class that focusses on helping back pain, and then we had a crack-a-thon, also known as watching a whole disc of Buffy, and a whole disc of Angel, and ordering pizza. We stayed up until 4 am. Oops!
Monday (early, early, early if you are awake until 4!), we met our friend and his girlfriend for a lovely breakfast at Pike Place. I was allowed to indulge my repressed desire for cinnamon sugar doughnuts and to buy some exciting teas at my former place of employment (even got a little discount!). The weirdest thing was, I went to talk to a former co-worker who quit right after I did, and found out SHE'S 6-mo. PREGNANT!! OMG! She didn't find out for 4 months, finally went to the doctor when her pants wouldn't fit and she couldn't seem to lose the weight. Oy. The baby seems to be fine, though she (the mom) has been sick (colds, etc) almost continually. It's a girl, due in June, I believe. The horrid thing is that she had health insurance through our former employer, but she lost it when she quit, which was _after_ she got pregnant- if she had known. She has some kind of state-funded care for the birth, so that will be fine, but I am so worried about after that. She has a boyfriend (who is really excited about this), but he only makes about $9/hour, and Stacey won't be able to work for awhile, let alone pay for daycare later. Complicated. *sigh* Something new for me to worry about :)
And now, my cat. I'm worried, worried, worried about what to do with my cat while
jkyllo and I are on our honeymoon. We really want to take about 2 1/2 weeks, and he needs 2 insulin injections a day. Bad enough his special food costs more than double the price of Iams cat food, and that the cost of syringes outstrips the cost of the insulin we put in them, but boarding him costs TWICE the amount charged for a "normal" cat. It takes about 30 sec. to give an injection, so I'm not clear on the justification of the price. Our vet charges $15/day for a normal cat, and $30/day for a diabetic. It will cost an astonishing amount of money to board him, never mind the trauma. My family can't be much help for this, since our family vacation month is August for the cabin in CA.
Ok, enough about me. Sorry this was so long! I didn't know I had so much to say :)