For some reason the chest pains I experienced in college are coming back. orz Not as bad as they used to be thank the gods, but it's still there. Twice yesterday. Once the day before. I wonder if it's because I'm stressed again, or if it's indicative of a real problem. The last time I went to the doctor though, they couldn't figure out what was wrong. I highly doubt Japanese doctors will be able to figure it out. Beh.
BUT SCREW IT ALL because my Golden Week starts in 8 minutes. Eight. Minutes. I am counting down, baby.
Didn't go to Boz, but
Zach's party was awesome. Had to run because I went to Nagisa on Thursday pretty early, but it was sweeeeeet. Ninja Assassin had so many random dismemberments in it that I was laughing the entire time. I have problems. I laugh at dismemberment when it's so obviously not real. |D;;; And the random shuriken machine gun effect. A MILLION SHURIKEN FLYING OUT OF THE DARK. And then one dude emerges like he could haev thrown all of that himself. Awesome. I hope he had a good birthday and hopefully he enjoys his Golden Week, too.
Nagisa was fun, but there are too many rules at a hippie festival. 8( What is this. Also for a festival that is designed to celebrate music and the earth? There sure was a shit lot of garbage everywhere. And lots of thrown away food cartons and stuff. D| So...not earth friendly. They also took away people's drinks and food if they tried to bring anything in, throwing it all away, so that was nice and wasteful. Good job, festival organizers. You fail at your own ideas all so you can gouge people at the food booths for 6$ cans of beer and 3$ cups of water. Fail. That said, the music was awesome, the people were cool, I hit myself in the head with poi (the spinning balls used in raves) while trying to learn them, and I watched some firedancing and firebreathing before security came and tried to throw us all out again.
The night ended with a pile of mannequin heads and bamboo decorations being turned into bamboo staffs that were then taken home as prizes by friends. Also I played hackeysack for the first time and failed at it. orz I'm so not coordinated.
AND BOOM, my 8 minutes are up. I'm gathering my stuff and GETTING OUT OF HERE. 8D