Feb 05, 2009 14:48
In response to this post, ask me about the first time I did something. It can be the first time I used chopsticks, the first time someone I knew died, the first time I left the country, the first time someone of the opposite sex saw me naked, etc. I'll answer your questions with detailed responses.
Um, so yeah. I have bronchitis. Again. Only this time, apparently Japan makes a patch for the thing? So I've got a bunch of meds and then this patch I stick on myself. I feel like I'm on the Nicorette system or something for...disease. What. Anyway, yeah.
Weirdly enough, my boyfriend and I had a fairly serious discussion last night about what we do and don't like about each other. He knows that I dislike that he's selfish and I found out he dislikes that I'm inactive. Of course, we both recognized that these things aren't immediately fixable. The reason I'm inactive is because I'm always so goddamn sick. I've been weak since I was a kid and having that problem I have, it makes exercise...difficult. Anyway, yeah. Interesting conversation.
I'm posting more out of friends-lock lately. ...I don't really know why. Anyway, if you want, you can reply to the meme anonymously. I don't really care either way.