Leave me a comment with "I LOVE INTERPRETIVE DANCE" in the subject line.
I'll respond by asking you five questions so I can get to know you better.
Update your journal with the answers to the questions.
Include this explanation in the post and offer to ask other people questions.
1. What made you decide to study Chinese?
Completely accidental. I was intending to take either French or Arabic. The French class I wanted to take was full, and Arabic wasn't on the list, so I was scrolling down the course packet, and "Elementary Chinese 101" caught my eye. The first class, I was hooked. And it wasn't until I studied in China that I looked back (and wondered why I was in Beijing instead of Paris). Now though, I'm happy I know it. In all likelihood, it'll be more useful than Japanese.
2. Who would you do first: Jeremy Irons or Gerard Butler?
Elly, I'm disappointed. Gerard Butler without the slightest hesistation! For you it might be more of a conundrum, but honestly...how can it be?
3. Do you trust Severus Snape? xD
Unlike SOME people I could mention *cough
sassypants678 cough*, I ALWAYS trusted Severus Snape. He was too obvious to be evil.
4. How many kids do you want to have?
I'm thinking 3 or 4. Of course, that depends on having the right husband and probably the temperment of my first child.
5. What is your absolute dream job? Like, if money didn't matter and anything was possible. TELL ME EVERYTHING.!
NOVELIST. Oh, man, I'd travel all over the world and have the time to write the greatest books...they're all in my head somewhere, but I just need the time and all the money I needed to not worry about money anymore.
6. BONUS ROUND. A glove compartment has neither gloves or compartments in it. Talk amongst yourselves.
Well, since it IS a compartment, it could really be called an "anything" compartment. I think it's called a glove compartment because it used to hold driving gloves. Now, back at you: why do you park on a driveway and drive on a parkway? ANSWER ME THAT!!!