Question Five Flowers ~ J-ROCK LIVE~ Osaka

May 28, 2009 21:43

Bad attempt at a coherent report:
J-ROCK LIVE- Umeda Arts Theatre, Osaka 2pm 28 May 2009.
I warn you, its a very personal account of the night. I don't really know many of Question, Five or Flat Five Flowers songs. I am a big fan of Kanjani 8, however, and though my LJ probably doesn't show it, I really do admire and respect Shibutani Subaru. I have ever since I first heard his voice. So just to be in his prescence...was amazing.
Sorry if this is clouded by fangirl excitedness or overuse of the word "awesome"...

I could flail. I've spent all night doing that with Katie.
But I think I owe it to anyone who reads this to write it as non-flaily as possible.

Amazing amazing stuff happened to my friend Katie and I at the 2pm Question Five Flowers J-ROCK LIVE in Osaka today.
I really wanted to write a proper report about the show, but with KAT-TUN tomorrow night and the high I'm on right now, I don't know if I can or not. So let's start with the general overview...

Katie and I sat in the first row of the second floor of the Umeda Arts Theatre. I was on an aisle, and Katie next to me. We were a little right of the centre of the seating. 
Question opened the show. I felt stupid. Why? Because I always usually flail a bit over Gakki and Akun. But tonight, I could not bear to tear my eyes away from Yone. I always just kinda thought he was so-so on TV and in magazines. I was blind as a bat. Yone.... his voice.... I have no words. He is soulful, deep, magnificent. Not to mention, faaaaar hotter in real life than I ever, EVER thought. He was wearing a black shirt, with some kind of red and white picture in the middle of it, and black pants. His hair is kinda brown, with a big black section in the middle. Sounds weird, looks fantastic. Akun was in a t-shirt and grey shorts, curly hair flopping all over the place. Akun slouches a little sometimes, must be coz he's so tall. He really came off as a loveable, goofy but still hot guy. Yodogawa was looking great behind the drums, I couldn't see his outfit well. Gakki and Fujiie were both wearing white button-up shirts, not fully buttoned up, of course. Gakki.... a word about him. He was like, sometimes so absorbed in his playing that it was like he was in his own little world behind those keyboards. Totally adorable. But YONE was so, so, so.... I felt like I was indulging in some amazing kind of rich chocolate, the way he was singing. Laugh if you must. I would too. But its true. And yes, I fail, because I don't know many of the songs they performed, so I simply had to let go and let my senses enjoy everything (while trying to do all the crazy arm movements with all the fans) ... Realised I definitely needed a towel at the show, because the opening song involved spinning your towel around crazily...I used my T-shirt, coz they were sold out of the towel when we tried to buy it.

Five were next. Uesato said it was hot in Osaka, meanwhile wearing a leather jacket... silly. Makki was in a yellow t-shirt behind the drums, and introduced himself "Makki dayo" with a circular hand movement reminiscent of the "Arashi, Arashi, For Dream" choreography. TOO CUTE. You can always rely on Makki to be cute. I remember when he had a cap that said "NEWS LOVE" on it at WPD, and he had the kanji for "Nakamaru" stuck on his forehead at KAT-TUN. Rikiya was in a white shirt, that had "Question Five Flowers" written on it in red. He may have had a hat??? Five were also sensational. Again, silly me doesn't know the songs, but definitely enjoyed the music.

Skipping so much here, to get to the big stuff.
Shibutani Subaru.
He appeared, with Five, the whole "Flat Five Flowers" business (I can't recall if they were called that, or just "Five Flowers" this time...)busting out some amazing songs. His voice was as purely awe-inspiring as at K8, only 10 times better because the venue was tiny and it was primarily him singing. We had so much fun screaming for Subaru. He talked so much to the audience. The swine flu was brought up, and how they all nearly couldn't come to Osaka because of it. But Osaka was their final venue, so naturally they were happy they could make it. They sang a song called "Koshifuri", which involved all of Five and Subaru shaking their butts while playing and singing. Including turning around to do it to the audience. (Seriously, what is with Umeda Arts Theatre? We got a butt shake from Tsubasa too...)

Anyone who has been to their lives will know about the songs and how great they were, how crazy and hyper the audience gets, how awesome everything was, how the atmosphere was so different to your typical "Johnny's" concert.
I'd love to be more detailed in my description, but I was on too much of a sensory overload to be that detailed, sorry.

ANYWAY here is the stuff that that nobody else can report. Well, from the same perspective as Katie and I, at least.

A good while into the Five Flowers segment of the show, the members of Five were going to the edges of the stage, and into the audience, to pick people to join them on stage. Rikiya went missing, and Katie was like "Where's Rikiya?" and then he brought 2 girls onstage. Uesato chose two girls in matching pink dresses, with matching curly hair. I know a group of 3 girls were chosen also, I think by Subaru? They got to go onto the stage and play the boys guitars!! Including Subaru's green one. "Wow, thats pretty cool" thought Katie and I. "Wow, if only we were on the first floor too" thought Katie and I. "Oh well, lets be happy for them, because they are amazingly lucky" thought Katie and I.
During the song, the boys were getting everyone to chant "Fura Fura Furawa" (Fura Fura Flower, incase you can't understand the Engrish)... they did it level by level... 3rd floor, 2nd floor, 1st floor. Then 3rd floor again. And at that time again, Rikiya was missing. Katie had noticed this fact, I had not. I was too busy getting ready for them to ask the 2nd floor to sing again.
And then someone rushed over and started tapping me on the arm. "Ii desu ka?" (Is it okay?) they asked.
"Huh?" I thought and turned to find RIKIYA standing there. The next words I remember uttering were "Hai", "Uso!!" (No way!!) and "oh my god Katie...."... we both just stood there, looking at each other, as if to say, "is it okay to go?"
Next thing you know, Rikiya is grabbing me by the hand and asking me to come up the stairs. I'm holding Katie's hand with my other hand. We start walking down the corridor and out the door, past all the Japanese fangirls with incredulous looks on their faces, some of them waving and giving us the "thumbs-up" as we went by.
Rikiya, still holding my hand, brings us down the stairs. Katie is still gobsmacked and I am still going "uso? maji de?" to Rikiya, who is just smiling. Katie tells me that next I immediately started telling Rikiya that my Japanese wasn't so good, so sorry if I can't understand him properly. (In hindsight I remember this...)
Next thing you know, we are suddenly backstage. The show is still going on. There are two little boys, probably aged about 6 and 8, also backstage, as bewildered as we are. So much running through my head... "Why?". "Are we going to be on stage?" "Oh my lord, we might get to talk to Subaru".....
Rikiya talks to us and asks us our names. He writes them in black marker on his hand. He asks us where we are from, and we tell him, still bewildered and oh-my-god-ing. He also asks us if it is our first Question Five Flowers J-Rock live, to which we answer look at the scenery of the backstage... small, a staff member sitting behind monitors showing the stage, a female staff member standing by another monitor next to a rack of guitars, Yodogawa's drumming stuff, with "Yody" written on the labels at the back of the backstage.
Next, someone is talking to me. They say something in English. I don't remember what it was.
Why? Coz I was freaking out....its freakin Yone!!! Just like, TOTALLY chilled. Smiling at us. Talking to me. Don't remember what it was about. But then, he tells me, the chatterbox, because we are having a conversation now, that my Japanese is really good. "yeah, whatever" is what I always think, because Japanese people ALWAYS tell you that, even if all you can do is count to ten. But no, this was Yone, in all his amazingness, right there, talking to me. Yone, who I had just suddenly fallen in love with about an hour ago.
The backstage conversation continues. Rikiya gets the two little boys to go on stage. He tells Katie and I that we'll be on stage after the kids. Yes. On stage.... right now, I need to go to the toilet really bad, and its all I can think about. Katie is worried her mind will go blank. Because who is still onstage?
Gakki, Uesato, Makki and SUBARU.
On come the little kids, some girls and other boys join the two that Rikiya brought out. They get given mikes, to sing the "Fura Fura Furawa" part. (Which has been continuing on during alllll of this.... such as, getting the only males in the audience to sing it, getting the audience to stop singing etc)
The kids are on there for a little while, after having all their names introduced, shaking hands with Subaru and so on.
Cut back to Katie and I. Right now, we are standing in the wings, watching. Watching Ishigaki, standing metres away in his little keyboard zone. Watching Subaru and the others play with the kids. I am standing next to Rikiya, Katie is standing next to Yone. Totally chilled, totally normal... except for Katie and I of course.
We knew what was coming next. The kids were thanked, and left the stage, one girl stopping to peace sign the audience. Subaru IMMEDIATELY looks to where we are standing in the wings. His piercing look.... he just STARED for what felt like almost too long. I felt very overwhelmed, very humbled and almost intimidated to be under his gaze.
A moment's apprehension. Do we go yet? Rikiya tells us "yes" and we walk out on stage, as Subaru announces that there are some "Gaikokujin" (Foreigners) here. My thought... Oh lord, don't make us some tacky novelty. You know, "look at the foreigners!!!" kind of thing, because people do that, and I feel like an idiot when that happens.

And then I forget about that anxiety, because all the people on stage are looking at us, and suddenly I am standing infront of Subaru. He is saying hello and shaking my hand. He smells amazing, like really fresh laundry. He really, really smells nice. He is not sweaty at all, despite having just played quite a few songs. Rikiya tells the audience our names. "Anna and Katie. And it appears that they are both quite good at Japanese"... I am there shaking my head profusely, because I know it isn't true. Uesato hands me a microphone, with a smile. Man, Uesato is tall. And very handsome. Katie and I both try and find the "on/off" switch for the mics, of which there is none. Subaru asks us "By the way, where are you from?" and I answer "Australia", Katie follows with "America" and we are met by applause... Someone in the band says to the audience "Our J-Rock has crossed the seas". Hell yeah, it has!! ^_^
And now, we have to sing. Eek.
I love singing. I wouldn't say I'm that good at all, but I enjoy karaoke, and I've been in choirs before.
But singing on the spot, to a song that, admittedly, I don't really know?....
It was okay though. Subaru started singing the "Fura Fura Furawa" and all we had to do was copy him. Like call and response. We did it. Kinda embarrasing but fun and even though I can't remember if I said "Furawa" or "Fuwara" (Katie assures me I pronounced it correctly) I survived. We waved back at all the Japanese fans. The boys on stage all gave us tremendous applause and thanked us. We thanked them. Subaru then shook our hands again. He shook mine, and I couldn't help it... he was shaking my right hand, which has my Kanjani 8 yellow and orange tour bands on it. I pointed them out to him, and told him that I am an Eito fan. Katie did too. Subaru... his face changed. He smiled, it was like he was taking a while to put two and two together. He then said "thankyou so much" and almost seemed a little shy!! Then he, along with the other boys, thanked us again and told us to enjoy the rest of the show.
Rikiya led us offstage again. He went back onstage and then suddenly dashed back to give something to a female staff member. As Katie and I went to leave, being escorted by another staff member, the female one put out her hand and asked us to take... Rikiya's Guitar Picks. One each. BOTH USED. In that show.
Is there even any point me talking about my own feelings here? No. Imagine it for yourself. You are already having an AMAZING time at an AMAZING show, where the quality and talent of the musicians is beyond believable, and suddenly all of this. Rikiya did NOT have to give us ANYTHING.
But he did. Both of us.
Staff member took us back to our seats, fangirls said things like "okaeri" (welcome back) as we went past.
The show went on, Subaru sang to the point where I thought he would collapse, the sounds coming out of his tiny self.... I never thought I would cry at a J-Rock concert. But I did, and it wasn't even to do with what had just happened, it was purely the power of Subaru's voice. They say that music can move you. Its true.

Leaving the venue after the show ended, we had many girls come up to us to talk. I wasn't very proficient in my utterings. I think they realised we were still in shock and awe. One of the girls we met is studying where I am studying. I wonder if I'll see her again? Dinner and even shopping at the convenience store back home was met by more fangirl stares. Its normal and usual, but I felt more embarrased about it than usual.

Anyway, that all aside, for me, Subaru's voice, as well as Rikiya and Yone's, HAS to be experienced live to be truly appreciated. Question and Five are easy to pass off as the musicians in the background to other JE stars. But in their own concert, they shine. Their songs are both lyrically and musically amazing. They have so many inspirational pieces, about supporting each other, loving someone, etc. The lighting for the concert was beautiful too. I will never be able to forget this concert. It was already unforgettable long before any of the other stuff happened. But that just made it far too crazy.
Funniest thing? My Mum, who likes Subaru, is going to flip when I tell her about this. She didn't even know I was going to the show. I'm almost worried about her reaction!!! Haha.

OKAY so it looks like I did kinda fangirl and flail my way throught his report a little. And its not much of a report, more of a personal recount. Sorry if I bragged too much or anything. I really didn't mean to, but at the same time, I am still very excited and extremely, extremely humbled to have gotten to experience what I did. I am so happy that the J-Rock boys were happy to realise that they have foreign fans. Because they do, especially Subaru. Far more than they could ever know. Lastly, I seriously must urge EVERYONE, even if you aren't a Subaru fan, if you ever get the chance to hear him live, TAKE IT. There is no way to describe what its like.
And now its time to go to bed. Yeah, as if I can sleep....

question?, kanjani 8, five, concert report

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