Sep 11, 2009 15:02
I m doing some house and pet sitting for family friends whilst they are on holidays. The pets I am looking after are 3 Griffons. They are a breed of dog probably famous for being the kind of dog Jack Nickelson character has in the movie As Good as It Gets. So easy and quiet to look after. Their personality are more like cats than dogs. The house sitting is pretty cool as well. I ve got 2 huge HD TVs to watch telly on as well as net access on a laptop which I m writing this entry on. I reckon if I m good enough at the house and pet sitting thing I might turn it into a business and or job for myself as I ain't getting no where with finding a job the traditional way. I ve applied for a few jobs that I ve got relevant skills and experience in and got sweet stuff all. Damn social skills focus now days it used to be based on whether you had and knowledge and skill for the job.No wonder service in retail is crap. All style and nothing underneath. As long as you have good manners that what counts. But I must have old fashioned thinking.