This is what I love about my country, and it's democracy

Jul 02, 2016 17:53

From the Guardian by Bridget Delaney

"Australian democracy is not feral. The edges and electricity that British and American campaigns have touched in recent months have not been seen in the mainstream here.

We show up to vote, patiently and in large numbers. We are not angry, there are no assaults at polling booths, or conspiracy theories that the pens we use might be rubbed out by corrupt officials. Australian democracy is gentle and steeped in homely ritual. We like lattes and sausages and cake stalls. We’ll turn out and volunteer for a party that supports causes we’re passionate about (Guardian Australia spoke to many first time volunteers who were supporting single issue campaigns, including the Science party and the Arts party).

We’ll marvel at the people we see and meet in the queues at the polling station, and maybe for a short while, see our communities in a different light, as neighbours who could become friends."

While I'm on the topic, may I thank the Australian Electorale Commission. Sure, there have been stuff-ups and always will. It's an imperfect system run by imperfect people, but every Election, they organise the votes, the people, the spaces to vote, in a very short amount of time. Then they spend the next two weeks sorting out the Senate papers (seriously, that thing was the size of a small doona).  It's not easy organising voting across a country as big as this, with communities days drive from anywhere, and crowded inner cities. It's a hard task organising huge numbers of people who haven't done this before, training them all and getting them, the boxes, and the votes in the right place. I know, I've one of those people three times, which is why I always thank the staff at the polling booth. It's the least I can do.

Now, let's get us get ourselves a better class of politican.

election 2016

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