Girltrash! Episode 3

Jun 25, 2007 07:12

Dun, dun, dun...the tension's rising peoples! Our heroines are in increasing jeopardy from fuckinghanging out with the wrong kind of girls. Now there's a price on their heads!

The stats first: 3:43, with almost 30s of recap and 30s of credits at the end.
AR genius factor: 7
AR evil factor: inching up to a 6

The ep is more of the same stuff and while it still brings the funny one-liners and trashy girls who fight amongst themselves in the face of danger, it's starting to feel, dare I say it: repetitive.
LouAnne is pretty but I'm not sure she can act. You can tell the two main actresses are also having trouble staying in character, possibly because this ep had more telling than showing.
Time to bring on Mandy and Gabby!
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