Feb 23, 2006 08:29
I am wracked with anguish right now. Though it is the morning time and I didn't get any sleep(mind you, I do all-nighters 2 times a row occasionally!)I was thinking about video games.Ever since I picked up EGM 201(I shouldn't have allowed myself to miss issue 200...),I seen how most of the XBox 360 launch games fared against their critics.That in my opinion came at no surprise because, of course they're first generation games.I think this is going to interesting to see how the PS3 and Revolution's first generation games will fare against EGM.Recently, I got a invitation to join the Gamers Advisory Board(As any PS2 player would know is the highest echelon of the PS Underground).Right now, I don't know how to respond,considering the situation(read the last journal if you don't know)that I'm currently dealing with.Oh well...if I don't resolve it,then its' back to the drawing board.