Sep 05, 2008 14:19
Dear Livejournal;
Granted, it's been two weeks since I've touched you last. It seems I don't have as much of a creative muse anymore since I'm no longer hopelessly depressed. But, I'll try to make up with that humor thing I suppose others see, right? Right.
(That and life has been busy/weird. Maybe another time.)
So here goes. Maybe I have been living in a cave (mind you, a cave I own, but that's a discussion for another day), but I finally watched the video and heard that insipid "I Kissed a Girl" song that was so insanely popular for the past little bit.
.... so what's the big deal?
I admit, it's not my thing, given my musical tastes. But even still, beyond being catchy, I don't see it as being controversial in any way. Just, you know. Crappy.
Chacun son gout, I guess.