Mar 24, 2008 02:22
For the last three weeks, I've been a lot calmer. More at peace. I can actually say I'm happy.
Funny thing is, there has never been one external event or factor that led to this happiness; the knowledge that it comes from internal change rather than external circumstance makes me confident this time, it's not all a ruse.
The source of these recent internal changes are a few things; some are lessons that have just taken years to sink in, I suppose. Others are minor epiphanies that just stem from a greater acceptance of things that would have made me bitter, or that I would have rejected completely out of hand in the past.
At the risk of getting too saccharine, one such epiphany was this: That true love never has any expectations.
(And no, for those that are insanely curious about the soap opera drama that's my personal life. Things in my love life haven't really changed a bit. I will now cut this ponderance short to avoid any quoting of Whitney Houston lyrics.)