
Jul 10, 2017 07:04

After a week of wrestling with the broken HVAC at work, the building owners had to resort to a backup system:

That's the temporary unit they parked behind the building over the weekend. Sorry about the not-so-great picture, but I took it with my phone and had to hold the phone up high and off to the side to avoid getting a reflection of myself in the picture. It also seems to have cut off the bottom of the pic.

Word is that the 'real' HVAC unit for the building failed because a pipe burst, which let water into its electrical works and fried its circuit boards. When the pipe was fixed and boards replaced, the techs discovered a motor had failed as well. Attempts to repair the motor failed and, apparently, the replacement is being shipped from Neptune and won't arrive for a while. So they decided to bring in the temporary unit.

At least it's not 90F in the office now.

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