Well that sucks.

Jul 07, 2007 09:23

(sighs) Well... crap. I was just working on coloring this thing with the computer and I think I hit the wrong button and then deleted it. And despite my efforts and hitting the "undo" button about fifty times, it wouldn't come back. Aw man...

Well I got my rabbit now. It's gray with black tips on its ears, and I dunno if its a boy or a girl. But it's already escaped (we caught it again) and I think it's in the process of chewing a hole through the box we're keeping it in. And while I would like to call it something like Roxas or Sora...or Spike it's going to be living with my nana, so I have to pick something that she'll remember.

Maybe something cute...like Fifi or Fofo. Or Fluffy. Or...well, whatever it is that you usually name cute things. I'm a weirdo, and I like giving cute things macho manly names because it doesn't suit them. Which is why most of yesterday I wanted to name it Spike.

Give me more ideas!!

I'm sooo tired... that damn rabbit was fsking keeping me up all night, scratching and biting on the cardboard box. I went to bed around 2 and for some reason woke up at 7:30. Huh? Yeah, there was no alarm or anything. The whole house was pretty quiet. I just randomly woke up after only 5 1/2 hours of sleep and couldn't go back.

Now I've got a headache...probably from lack of sleep since I didn't sleep very well the night before either. Heck, I'm in GA, I'll take a nap later.
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