Sol, when I first saw this I was like "Yay, looks like fun... Wait, have no time (as usual), will do it later on..."
And now that the whole downloading servers are in fact, going down, I need to get my self distracted a little, so here it goes. Though I'm afraid this will be short, lol. And tonight I'm feeling particularly (.....), so I hope this helps... :P
HAVE FUN reading, Hope I so!! XD
What’s your name? My real name is Natalia, but I have this hitch of feeling like they're about to scold me when I'm called like this, so I much much prefer if I'm called by any of my short names, Nat, Nata, Naty :D :D :D
My penname at LJ is a mix from Haruki MURAKAMI's last name and one of the main characters on his most famous book, Tokyo Blues (Norwegian Wood), NAOKO. It was like this because I innocently believed that I would be able to write about different kinda stuff and not just JE's related. But let's face, this is my third post in idk, 6 months and it IS Johnnys' related, LMAO.
(wow, thank God this will be 'short' LOL)
How old are you? I'm 27, turning 28 this June ;)
Are you a sempai fan? Definitively, no doubt about it. I find senpais much MUCH more interesting than kouhais.
How long have you been a sempai fan? I'm still a baby!! I've been a fan for not even a year. It all started out on April 2011 and though I've learned a lot, thanks to very kind people, I'm pretty ignorant at most of things XP So any guidance, help, friendship is more than WELCOME!.
What’s your past fandom? I used to be a... Gleek. I remember I got as many Glee accounts as possible on my twitter. I subscribed to every blog where they'd post any kind of thingy about Glee. Loved the music, loved the subject, loved everything about the series. But then when I realized, love was just gone. Even though I was that much into Glee, it's NOTHING compared to what I've become thanks to TOKIO, LOL (little-monster-me).
Fan of which sempai group(s)? Group ranks and pics please. I can't really say I'm a FAN of any other band rather than TOKIO, but I could say that I really like KinKi Kids and some SMAP also. Thingy is that I'm much more of a rock ranger than a pop lover :P so TOKIO fits me very well. But I also really really like the exhaustive use of instruments and band music from KinKi. And, I'm not really sure of what exactly I like about SMAP Kimura, err but if I had to say it's a rare combination of senpais still dancing and singing like it was just yesterday when they debuted, their melodic tune or the fact that I'm really amazed by their runtime and achievements... ;D ;D ;D
How did you get into the fandom? I have people to blame for my current mental insanity state of mind, lol. No, srsly mmhm, a friend of mine borrowed me a few of the "band-that-she-liked" cd's. Though I like them when I heard (and I even scanned the jackets from those cd's, OMG) I didn't pay that much attention, because I was raging into mexican indie rock at that time (which I still really like but just not that much into, nowadays). Almost 2 years later one day, this former T^T TOKIO-fan friend of mine and a NEWS/Yamapi fan also friend of mine, started watching out of nowhere Yasuko to Kenji. That was it. I met my bias and it was the end of my life as I once knew it. You can read this adventure detailed
here ;)
Do you love being in the fandom? Though I've been a fan for such a short time, it still amazes me how cohesive it is. It's wonderful.
Do you think you came into the fandom at the right time? Not really, I definitively should've been here since earlier T^T but I'm glad I'm here now.
In your opinion, what are the differences between the sempai and the kouhai fandom? Well I don't think I... can make a properly informed opinion since the only 'other' fandom I've had contact with are SMAP and News/Yamapi fandoms (my friends are fans) BUT XD I think that probably the main difference is, for instance, SMAP fandom is huge and each of the SMAP members have tons of work, so there's a lot of stuff out there to rip and share. Therefore the fandom is really really active. Or at least that's how I perceive them, lol (I'm such a teacher using weird verbs :P). And as for News/Tegomass/Yamapi fandoms I've seen... Well, idk, I tend to think their fandom is younger in average though I'm pretty sure there're a lot of obaa-chans in those fandoms, lol and still going to school or maybe college or whatever, but the main is that they got pretty time on their hands so they're also, very busy at their fandoms. Still I have only watched fandoms closely for less than 10 months, so... You know XD
How long do you plan to stay in the fandom? I DON'T THINK I'LL EVER WANT TO DROP OUT! LOOOL... Wait, I just read out loud the question. No, I do not plan to leave the fandom at all! But maybe one day when I grow even elder T~T. I don't even want to think about it. So, I "plan" to stay for a long, loooong time XD
Despite being a sempai fan, do you have any interest in the older or younger groups? Mhmm, idk... I kinda still get lost in TOKIO stuffs (lost enough for me not wanting to lose sight of them because of looking at others, lol), though my friends help me out a lot (then again they were the ones who introduced me to JE even when they didn't mean to :P).
But still, maybe I'd be interest in a few members from other groups. Like Higashiyama, Kimura, Nagano, Nishikido, Kamenashi... But not enough to become a fan of the whole group. The thing is I like TOKIO precisely because they PLAY instruments (rocker > popper) and the fact that they don't need all the typical Johnny's idol paraphernalia to pull a great show, (don't get me wrong, I actually really enjoy all the lights-dancers-outfits-3d effects-water fountains-pyro extravaganza at the cons), have fun and dazzle their fans, and I actually get the feeling that it allows them to be more who they are really and barriers dissappear, idk don't mind me. So, maybe I could start to follow a little more about other groups, but I don't think I could become a fan of them too ^^;;
Now spam us with videos, gifs, fan arts, caps, pictures etc.
I promise, I sweeeeaaaar I'll be back to do this but not now please I'm about to park my nose between "G" and "H" at the keyboard... (ZZZzzZzZzz..)