Shadow Hearts III & Molten Core

Mar 08, 2006 11:02

The local Gamestop has Shadow Hearts III in stock. I may have to pick it up tomorrow morning, since I'm stuffed with classes during the day. I'd go after school, but I'll be late for my guild's Molten Core run in World of Warcraft. I need time to get on Ventrilo, and then have my character parked outside of Blackrock Mountain.

Yes, I'd rather wait a day for SH:FNW and not miss an MC run, than play SH:FNW sooner and miss MC. Though I'm letting Quakemf fill in my spot, once we reach Lucifron, since he needs his hand for the water quest. I hope those Giantstalker pants drop today. I'm currently standing 3, on the hunters that have highest DKP. Gotta bring it up for tomorrow's battle with Golemagg, The Incinerator. (That Blastershot Launcher better drop again, so I can claim it.)

shadow hearts, world of warcraft

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