Dec 17, 2005 15:28
Oh, sweet! Looks like I'll be getting the Tales of Fandom 10th Anniversary Disc afterall! Should be here by Wednesday, maybe Thursday! :D
That's around the same time my Tales books come in the mail too. Will probably scan, if there's good images in the Narikiri 3 book. Tales of the Abyss has gotten me back on a Tales kick, and I'm a little pumped to work on my website again. Although, there's a lot of Tales of Legendia stuff I wouldn't want to re-scan.
Hey, Shinryu? Mind if I host some of your scans? I'll put you in the staff box (or put credit to your scans) if you want. Just let me know what you want. I need to get this site updated again. If not, it's cool, Shinryu. Whatever floats your boat, dude. :)