My pile of unread books. Photographed because all of a sudden, they really started to pile up. From the top:
John Bogle - Little Book of Common Sense Investing*
Frederic Bastiat - Economic SophismsAmartya Sen - Development as Freedom*
Milton Friedman - Capitalism and FreedomMichael Lewis - Moneyball*
James M. Buchanan - What Should Economists Do?*
David Friedman - The Machinery of Freedom Douglass North - Structure and Change in Economic History*
Tyler Cowen - In Praise of Commercial CultureNassim Nicholas Taleb - The Black SwanAdrian Tomine - Summer BlondeYves Chaland - Freddy Lombard: Chaland Anthology
#1 and
#2 (half cut off)
Rullier and Stanislas - By The Numbers * Purchased after the good reviews from Don Boudreax on
his blog and a
Pittsburg Tribune column.
The comics come from my recent French/Euro comics kick. The Douglass North is there because it was one of
opstorm's coursebooks, and is highly recommended (he won a Nobel prize for related work). The Michael Lewis is a cool book about baseball. Taleb is awesome, yet the book still remains barely read. And the Tomine was only purchased to depress
the_beckster (to prove that comics can be emotionally crushing at times). BTW, it worked.