Awesomeday = Tuesday.5
HuZZAH and welcome to Awesomeday! First I share a realization I had about AwesomeDay -- it's a floating holiday, but temporarily anchored in the space between tuesday and wednesday, which makes perfect sense to both me and Lewis Carroll (and yes, I asked him.) I bet Neil Gaiman would be with me on this one too.
So without further ado, here's a bunch of my awesome from this week, and please join in with yours too!
Brief "rules" of AwesomeDay: a) tell me something(s) awesome about your life this week, b) if you feel like it, invite others to join us here. I wish to create a whole lotta awesome in one place! I'm greedy for awesome!
(PS - first awesomeday post with the why it was conceieved here:
1. My weekend rocked. I met a bunch of new friends and friends of friends, many of whom seem to be as silly as I. WOO!
2. Again, my weekend rocked. This bit of awesome involves facing down and defeating at least two or three separate (though some related) personal demons and COMING BACK WITH THEIR HEADS! HUZZAH! I've got them mounted and hanging above the fireplace. I left the tails behind for the forest creatures to eat. (you're welcome to ask, but consider that its' at least 50% likely that I won't tell.)
3. Have I mentioned the awesome that is my partner T? Apparently he found the exact spot to massage to deal with that one last bit of old wrist injury I had from 10 years ago and now my hands have extra stamina! woot!
4. I met someone who looks like a gelfling! ( ) Am entirely too amused by this.
5. 10 HOURS SLEEP LAST NIGHT. OMG beautiful!
6. And speaking of the extra stamina of my hands -- spent this weekend doing a lot of massage on people, mostly in horse stance. What's awesome about that? That much time in horse stance perkified my butt! Woot! (Dude, a toned and perky butt is always awesome!)
7. I just stuck 2 acu pins into my foot (foot cramp) with almost no pain! Woot! (Bonus awesome: I get serious macho points to stick pins into my own foot. just sayin'.)
8. I have mermaid hair today! It's all wavy & stuff!
9. Speaking of facing down personal demons, been reading Loving What Is by Byron Katie - yes it sounds self-help-y new-agey, but it's actually a surprisingly useful instruction manual for dealing with being stuck on unpleasant thoughts within the brain. Am only maybe 1/3 through the book, but the exercises ("The Work ") of hers I've tried have been surprisingly useful, surprisingly fast. Hence the above slaying of personal demons. definitely worth reading. (
10. Today, 2 old friends found me on FB & twitter; made plans to call & play catchup w/one of 'em tonight, Yay!
Okay, your turn. Shoot! Gimme your awesome!