
Apr 01, 2010 10:54

Do you seriously mean that in order to access something as basic and obvious as the parallel port I have to download a dodgy dll from the internet and call a native method that *directly* accesses 8088 isa bus hardware registers?

Grr. And come to think about it, why can't I just do somearray.Length=newvalue? or even do somearray.Resize(newvalue)? or somearray &= newelement? or stringarray = {"a", "b"}? or.....

I mean, what hope have ordinary vb/c# programmers got when the people that wrote fundamental parts of the language don't understand basic concepts like properties? How hard would it really have been to do something like this..

class Array {
property Length {
set {

And there's no way of reading individual bits from a byte. Or reading a string containing binary. There's octal which is of no use ever, but not binary. And an array of 32 booleans takes up 128 bytes, not 1. Gah. The whole point of having a really high level language is that all this nitty gritty stuff ought to be taken care of in native code, preferably hand tuned assembler, so you don't have interpreted code running through lots of expensive loops.

I'll quit whining now. I don't really have anything to do as I'm waiting for the cell to be free so I can hook up the supply to test it so I'm killing time trying to make the test handle insanely neat and efficient.
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