Today, at the library, they almost wouldn't let me have my book.
Several months ago, I started going to the library again. It had been so long, that I didn't have my card. I went in, showed my ID, and got a new card. I've been in there half a dozen times since then.But today was a different story.]
My trip to the library started out pretty well. My foot was sore, and I had a headache, But I knew this wouldn't take long. I was only picking up a hold. I limped over to the desk with my book, and set it in front of a hard-eyed woman.
"It says here that your accounts inactive." Well, that wasn't right. I wouldn't have been able to place a hold on an inactive account. "I'll need to see your ID."
I flipped open my wallet, to the little plastic window. "That would've been on my old card, I've had this one for a while..."
"I only know what's on the screen" said the librarian, a slight fierceness in her tone. "I need to see your ID." I indicated my open wallet, and continued speaking.
"That's odd. I was in here like, just last week." I remembered because I had to pay a fine, and she was the person who helped me. In so small a library, could she have forgotten me? We finished the transaction, and I limped my way home.
I don't know why she was so agitated. Was it my tone? Did she have a bad day? Or was there an outbreak of book thieves? Regardless of the reasoning, I chose the wrong time to go into the library. I should have waited until tomorrow