Jun 25, 2009 10:58
So I figure why not give an update! :P
Nothing worth reporting except for the following things:
Rehearsals for Tom Sawyer are going well. We had Peggy time Monday and Tuesday. We realized this was the first show I've stage managed where I get to officially work with Peggy. Frankenstein she did nothing, Jack the Ripper she just stylized some things but unofficially, and Christmas Carol she did nothing. So I find it interesting. That went well and the stuff we worked on looks nice. Back today for review of things and fixing stuff. Should be fun
Went to see Transformers with Candace Tuesday night. We got there and saw people standing outside and thought nothing of it and went to get our tickets. Only after we get them do we realize the people we saw were waiting to see the same movie as us. So we had to get in a line that went outside the building to get back in to get into the theater to see the movie. What fun. But the line was worth it because the movie was frickin' awesome!!! I honestly want to see it again in the near future.
The semester's over now. I had to turn my take home final in yesterday by 5, and I did so. But of course I decided to work on it after the movie. I got home at like 3:30 and was working on it until 5:30 when I decided to sleep for 4 hours and get a fresh start at it and then not go to work. Got it done around 3ish and after that I showered and got dressed, walked it down there and came home. My online class starts Monday (as does the next semester). I don't want to buy the book cause I don't feel like spending between $91 and $122 to get it. But oh well...so it goes.
Went to Starlite with Aaron and Cory to meet about our project. We came up with some good concepts to explore but we didn't do that much as far as busines. But it was good fun. Afterwards we went over to Brittany's to hang for a bit. Was relaxed but a fun time.
In case I didn't mention the project before. We're going to be working on a wed series called Purgatory Cafe. It's most likely going to be about the place where angels and demons go for lunch or on breaks (Purgatory. In between. Get it?) Anyhow I need to do some writing and retooling, but I think it would be fun to do. I'm sure that some of you who read this may be interested in participating so just let me know.
Ok, I should get back to work now (I've been here since 8:30 and won't be leaving until 3:30 since I didn't come in yesterday). Break soon and Improv later followed by rehearsal...such a fun day in store. :P
Later days people. :)