Dec 25, 2009 08:58
how about instead of me making new years resolutions for myself, you guys pick them for me? it's gotten to the point where I don't really mind if i disappoint myself so much, but I'd still hate to disappoint you. (anymore than i may have already)
though there are a few i must do...
get off my ass
be done with the clinic
stop being scared
be done with the clinic
find a mate (one that gives a shit)
be done with the clinic
get off my ass
be done with the clinic
get rid of my unsightly GUT so i can fit into all my pants again
it's going to be a rough year.
the end of the world is coming in a couple years anyway. so. when everything blows up, maybe then I'll actually be able to escape the evil grasp of the clinic. cuz I'll be dead. and it wont be there anymore. cuz we all = poofed.
In all honesty though, the award for "Best Worst Thing Ever" for this year goes to: The fucking clinic. Without you, I honestly, 100% positively know that I would be dead right now. so, thanks for being there. every single fucking day. asshole.
merry fucking christmas.
P.S: for Christmas, i received a 'WINK" from a girl on "hey this girl seems awesome." I thought, as i read Through her profile. "she's absolutely beautiful too, like, on a scale of 1 - 10, she's an 11!" things were going well so far. "ok, she has no kids, that's good...wait, what that?...fuck, no fucking way..." She has no arms or legs. Sorry, i don't think i can handle that. though i could totally 1-up james thorpe. and she does have a picture of her, attempting to play a guitar, with "FML" typed on it. I'm still curious how she typed up her profile and shit. anyways. fuck balls shit ass piss.