I came home late last night, so drunk I couldn't quite remember my own address when I was trying to tell the pizza guy Lora and I hitched a ride with where I lived, to find a message instructing me to call Vyky ASAP about something urgent, before doing ANYTHING else.
So I called her, and she told me that two people (I want to say "kids", but they're not anymore) from my elementary school class were involved in a stabbing. That is to say, one (Tony) stabbed the other (K'leigh). Around 20 times.
I didn't know them very well; they were a couple of years older than me, and I didn't really get to know as many people as I'd have liked back then, anyway. However, I remember that they were "the couple", K'leigh and Tony. They were friends of friends, more than anything. They were both quiet types; I think she was probably very studious, and he was a little nerdy perhaps.
Apparently they dated on and off (and were even engaged for a while) from then until a few months ago, when it ended for good.
And then he showed up at her door while she was on the phone with her new (or at least relatively new) boyfriend and stabbed her to death.
In January, I'll be performing in a KTS production of "Much Ado About Nothing".
When Mr. Holmes' grade 7/8 split did that play (when I was in grade 6), K'leigh and Tony played Beatrice and Benedick.
It was scripted for them to kiss on stage, but K'leigh was too modest for it. To avoid the kiss, they changed Tony's line from "Peace, I will stop your mouth" to "Peace, you have given me reason to live".
He tried to commit suicide by overdosing before arriving at K'leigh's home (I suppose he hoped he could kill her and then wait to die, himself), but he didn't succeed in that. He's still in the hospital, as far as I know.
While Vyky and I were talking about all of this one the phone, the power cut out (twice; the second time it didn't come back for the rest of the night), leaving me alone in my cold, dark room, too drunk to think straight, with phone static blasting in my ear. (The phone wouldn't turn off for some reason, it kept doing the static thing all night until the power came back on... I wrapped it in a bunch of socks to stifle the sound so I could sleep.)
Tony's face takes up half the front page of today's Ottawa Citizen.
There have been three different articles about K'leigh's murder on the Ottawa Citizen website over the last two days. (
http://www.canada.com/ottawacitizen/story.html?id=4ea34115-bfac-48ea-9cee-b1752866db8f&k=71821 and
http://www.canada.com/ottawacitizen/story.html?id=999b929d-6f7c-4499-be99-4877c7f29a84&k=74522 and
http://www.canada.com/ottawacitizen/story.html?id=c71ac8e1-37cb-4143-9f8b-125259dc2cde&k=64895 ... that last one makes me sort of angry at the reporter, turning this whole thing into a goddamn fairy tale or something)
I don't want to diminish the right of other people to be more upset than I am over this, so I feel the need to say that no, I'm not completely worked up or overwhelmed, I haven't cried, etc. It's doubtful that I would ever have seen either of them again, anyway, so I can't claim any personal loss. But this does touch on an important time in my life, and it does affect a lot of people I love, and I am very shocked by the news because it's K'leigh and Tony. So yeah, I'm disturbed.
I'm glad we're having a class reunion on the 27th.