Title: It's Called the Waiting Game
Fandom: Original
Pairing: Kimberly Ree x Hon’gi
Theme Set: Beta
Rating: PG-13
Before you get to the story, a little info about it so your mind doesn't get wrapped around in circles. XD The people mentioned ARE the same people. :] Hon'gi = Hong, Myun'li (Li) = Ly. Reincarnations. ;D And, umm...can't think of anything else right now. 8DD; Just ask if you need to.
#01 - Walking;
Hong blushed, hiding his face as he continued following Ly on her shopping trip; it was only her presence, and he still felt so warm.
#02 - Waltz;
When Ly slapped Hong’s hand away from her waist, a sad look crossed his face; “I’m guessing it’s too much to ask for a dance?”
#03 - Wishes;
The Goddess of Rebirth chuckled, a wicked streak in her eye as she said, “Alright, dear mortal. I shall help you with your wish. This will prove to be delightful entertainment either way.”
#04 - Wonder;
Shifting uncomfortably in her seat, Ly wondered why it felt so right to have that boy’s arm around her.
#05 - Worry;
Even though Hon’gi was leaving so he could protect her, he couldn’t shake off the feeling that maybe this was the wrong thing to do.
#06 - Whimsy;
He stared in awe at the shining rock, marveling at its glory, saying, “Oh, Li. Isn’t this just fantastic?!” when she picked up the rock and threw it away, stating that it was “just a rock.”
#07 - Waste/Wasteland;
“Can you see that? God, that looks so…depressing. The desert, I mean,” Ly pointed out to him, and he could agree; there was absolutely no vegetation and the entire landscape was brown, dead - however, as memories from long ago resurfaced, he was glad that she didn’t know how horrible land could be.
#08 - Whiskey and rum;
Ly snatched the bottle of liquor from his hand, sending him a disapproving look - “What do you think you’re doing? You’re not even legal!”; Hong merely shrugged, saying, “To tell you the truth, my dear, I’m quite older than I look.”
#09 - War;
Even though her best friend (love, you mean) was throwing himself head first into battle, she knew that everything would be alright, have to be alright; he promised to come back for her, didn’t he?
#10 - Weddings;
Li had always dreamed a beautiful wedding by the lakeside with Hon’gi, simple yet stunning, but as the blood poured silently from her mouth, she knew that she’d never get it.
#11 - Birthday;
Puffing up his chest proudly, Hon’gi declared, “I’m seventeen now, Li! I’m finally a man!” but Li thought otherwise, dismissing his declaration with a wave of her hand and, “Whatever you say Hon’gi. Though, you might want to hide Punchi the Bear if you want people to believe you.”
#12 - Blessing;
With Ly sleeping (and thusly, not able to rebuke him), Hong gently pulled her up to his chest, keeping her close, silently thanking the Tula for bringing her back to him.
#13 - Bias;
“You know, your old self wouldn’t be so easy to trick, Ly.” ; turning around to face him, she spat out, “Well I’m sorry if I’m not her, but don’t you think you’re just being a little bit biased?!”
#14 - Burning;
Her vision was blurring as she started coughing, hacking, choking on the smoke that was filling her lungs, but she still refused to die - ‘He’ll come for me. He promised. He has to come.’
#15 - Breathing;
Ly was walking home from school when she saw him again, and with the way he was looking at her, she was finding it harder and harder to breathe.
#16 - Breaking;
One day, Hon’gi came home with a broken arm, and as his mother gasped in horror, she asked, “Hon’gi! How in the world did you break your arm?! You weren’t fighting, were you?!” but then Myun’li came from behind him, looking shameful while Hon’gi’s mother pieced things together; she couldn’t help but start laughing because really, shouldn’t it be the other way around?
#17 - Belief;
There was an old, old story in the village (at least, when it was alive) that if you did many pleasing deeds for the Rebirth Goddess and brought her many offerings, she would let you see your lost one again; seeing as how he had no other choice, Hon’gi left the village to start his quest.
#18 - Balloon;
Hong stared at the bright, red rubber balloon with skeptical eyes, stating about how a shallow thing like that could not possibly hope to fly; Ly, however, proved him wrong by letting go of the balloon, and they watched it float gently into the air together - “See? Not everything is impossible.”
#19 - Balcony;
As she stared out to the sky on the balcony, she vaguely wondered what happened to the boy she met that summer.
#20 - Bane;
Hon’gi could not help but think about how truly horrible and cursed his life would be, now that she was gone.
#21 - Quiet;
He remembered the way she would laugh, the way she would make fun of him, how she was always wishing for him to shut up, but as he stared at her tombstone, he thought it was much, much too quiet.
#22 - Quirks;
He thought it was adorable about how “both” of them had the odd habit of blowing their bangs in their sleep.
#23 - Question;
Ly stared at Hong with a wary glance for a few moments before she asked, “…so what exactly was with the “my dear” part?”
#24 - Quarrel;
Hong sighed, “Honestly. Why can’t you just be more like your old self?” when she threw a dictionary at him screaming, “For the last time, I’m not her!”
#25 - Quitting;
Hon’gi threw himself onto the field, groaning about how being a “man” was not as fun as he’d hoped and how he wanted to be a kid again when Li just patted him on the head, sighing, “Don’t we all.”
#26 - Jump;
“Come on, Hong. It’s just water. Dive in or something!” Ly complained as Hong was doing that whole put-your-to-in-and-then-take-it-out thing when he said, “I doubt you remember, Ly, but I’ve never liked swimming. Ever.”
#27 - Jester;
“Now, surely you jest at being ugly, Madam Ly,” was what Hong was saying until she smacked him in the head with a newspaper, barking, “I don’t care if you spent a life in Europe. Do not speak like that. Though, thank you for trying to cheer me up.”
#28 - Jousting;
They were watching the History Channel, something about medieval Europe and jousting matches, when she groaned, “I have to give you your props. If you could live through that without being bored to death, you really must be special.”
#29 - Jewel;
A young Hon’gi giggled uncontrollably as he beamed down at the shining rock in his hands; running to Li’s house, he couldn’t wait to give it to her!
#30 - Just;
Hon’gi laughed, running around with a wooden sword, saying, “Don’t be such a downer, Li! Heros always save the day and are good and all that stuff.” ; Li just sighed, shaking her head, inaudibly whispering, “Maybe. But the hero doesn’t always live.”
#31 - Smirk;
All of a sudden, a grin stretched out across Hong’s face as he said, “Nothing really. Just something I picked up from my days in Europe. Impressed?” ; but with a wave of her hand, Ly dismissed it, saying that she wasn’t “into the Europe thing.”
#32 - Sorrow;
A look of depression settled nicely on his face, Ly poked Hong in the head; “Come on. I know you’ve been kinda sad the last ten-odd generations, but cheer up already! You found me, right?”
#33 - Stupidity;
She carefully peeled off the guy from her, trying to nicely ask, “I’m sorry. Do I know you?” when she was really thinking, ‘Good Lord! What kind of freak is this? Or maybe…a kidnapper? Rapist? Thug? Not very smart coming to school then, is he?’
#34 - Serenade;
Ly frowned at the show she was watching, which was some concert from a ditzy pop idol when Hong asked her what the problem was; “It’s not fair. Why does someone with absolutely no personality get to be able to sing?” - He stared blankly before laughing, “Well, if you’d like, I could teach you. Europe did give me a few useful things.”
#35 - Sarcasm;
Hong stared warily at Ly as she connected more and more wires to the, the, the contraption that would supposedly provide enough power for their whole house;
"Uhh. Ly? Are you absolutely sure this is a go -” when she stopped him mid-sentence, sweetly spewing out as she put on her goggles, “Now Hong, would I ever do something so reckless otherwise?”
#36 - Sordid;
Ly growled in frustration, hating her homework more and more by the second, yelling, “What the hell does ‘sordid’ mean?! And how the hell am I supposed to know?! I’m only sixteen!” ; “Sordid, has a few different meanings, usually associated around words such as filthy, dirty, or mean. It can also mean meanly avaricious, and so forth.”
#37 - Soliloquy
Hon’gi paced back and forth, back and forth, mumbling to himself about exactly how he should go about phrasing it, when lo and behold, came out Li herself, just who he wanted to talk to (but wasn’t ready to); giggling, she called out, “Don’t hurt yourself now, Hon’gi. What is it?”
#38 - Sojourn;
Glaring, she spat out at him, “Y’know. I really hate it when you act like a smartass. So shut up. And don’t help me with this word either. I can do it by myself, thank you very much.” ; Hong coughed, nervously, mumbling, “Okay…but for a little hint, sojourn - ” “I said hush!”
#39 - Share;
She was just talking to one of her friend, Jacob, about their upcoming talent show when Hong suddenly zoomed in, grabbed her by the arm, and started running down the halls, pulling her with him; “Hong! What do you think you’re doing?!” she yelled at him until she saw his face, which was currently trying to look calm and composed but was most definitely angry; “…you’re not jealous, are you?”
#40 - Solitary;
“So, what was it like? Being alone for so long, I mean?” she asked one day, curiosity getting the better of her; Hong tried to smile, but it came out looking more like a grimace than anything else when he said, “…it was hard. But thinking now, it was worth it to see you again.”
#41 - Nowhere;
Hon’gi stumbled at the speed she was currently going at, trying to get back his footing but not being able to, when he finally asked, “Li! Where are we going?” ; Li giggled, still pulling him along, saying “you’ll see” over and over ‘till they reached the place: the middle of nowhere, a large field of green, green grass surrounding a huge, blue lake with numerous trees providing tons of shade; “Like it?”
#42 - Neutral;
“Why does anyone like the color gray? Honestly, it’s a really boring color!” Hong said; a certain look crossed Ly’s face when she said, “I dunno, I like it. Since it’s neutral, it doesn’t favor one thing over another, it’s just it.” - He couldn’t figure out what she was implying.
#43 - Nuance;
“Nuance…subtle quality…what kind of a word is that?” Ly asked to herself when she was doing her homework; Hong replied (out of nowhere, she would add), “Well, take for instance how you always say bye to your friends after school. It’s not much, but it shows that you care.”
#44 - Near;
Eyes nearly bursting out of his sockets, Hong replied nervously, “Jealous? Jealous? Now why in the world would I be jealous? I just…wanted to go to the park. Yeah! Let’s go!” ; however, he didn’t miss the knowing look in Ly’s eyes, and he sighed, wishing he didn’t forget that Ly was smart.
#45 - Natural;
Ly scrutinized the pack of lipstick in front of her, trying to figure out which one would be best to get; unable to decide, she asked Hong, who merely replied by saying that she looked fine without make up, and preferred her like that - “…thank you for that. Though, this is for a friend, you know. And you should try to come up with something more original every now and then.” she said, smiling.
#46 - Horizon;
Sighing, Li stretched her hands out towards the sky, the setting sun painting it a rainbow of different colors; just when was Hon’gi coming back?
#47 - Valiant;
He never told anyone, not wanting to worry, but when he came back from battle, he was hoping that everyone would look to him like a hero (and maybe then, Li would agree to marry him).
#48 - Virtuous;
Hon’gi sighed, staring at the temple list of tasks to do for the Goddess of Rebirth; it was to see Li again, sure, but honestly (buy alcohol, offer alcohol, have a gathering in her honor, i.e. get alcohol).
#49 - Victory;
Ly frowned, throwing the paddle onto the ground as she stomped away furiously, leaving an awkward Hong wondering what to do next; it was just a game of ping-pong, really…
#50 - Defeat;
His vision was starting to blur, air becoming harder to breathe in, and no matter how many times he screamed, she wouldn’t wake up; the wind blew, again and again, brushing her strands of hair against his face, whispering, taunting, ‘Too late, too late, you’re late. And didn’t you promise her?’