Title: Subtext
Day/Theme: July 15; the way the blue sky suited her
Fandom: Original
Characters: Ly
Rating: G
Word Count: 261
Note: Here, have some absolute SHIT.
Flashes of light and a swirl of fabric around her calves-this is everything she’s used to, the ordinary and mundane, but here in this little village out in the middle of nowhere, it feels like so much more.
The shooting is going smooth and without a hitch, Ko smiling easily and telling her she looks absolutely perfect. And really, it should be; after all, how many other models were dying for this chance, to run around freely and pretend that this isn’t even work, just living?
It’s what she wanted, too, or at least what she thought she wanted. The green, green grass is just too familiar for her liking, and the sunflowers seem daunting, haunting, like they know her better than herself. She feels uncomfortable here, desperation and anger clawing through her heart, and even the cheery sun above her can’t seem to make her smile feel real.
A little while later, Ko beckons her over to look at the pictures. “You look fantastic, picturesque and everything! It’s like the sky was made for you.”
Years in the business have trained her eyes, and from a clinical point of view, she could agree-the light is shining on her at just the right angle, and the colors are breathtaking. But she can see it in the close-ups, the agitation and terror that seem to line her every look and move. Unhappiness in a single, frozen moment-beautiful.
So she flips the pictures over, pulling down on the white sunhat, saying, “No, I don’t think the sky really suits me.”