Title: Ghost Stories
Day/Theme: July 9; but I'll come back to haunt you if I drown
Fandom: Kingdom Hearts
Characters/Pairing: Kairi; sorta Roxas/Kairi?
Rating: G
Word Count: 85
Note: What was supposed to be a nice little drabble wanted to become a 6k word Epic Fic™. So have a prologue. |D; (Thank you again,
vicious_lullaby ♥)
Kairi has never believed in ghosts.
She has seen shadows that devour hearts, beings that can live without them, and even met princesses that put saints to shame. Traveling between worlds and meeting other mythological creatures didn’t do anything to change her way of thinking.
But here, now, with Roxas floating before her as a translucent shell of himself, Kairi believes.
The thing with ghosts, she thinks to herself, says aloud when her fingers slip right through Roxas’ hand, is that they can never leave.