Title: dreaming sweet stars
Theme: theme 1; once upon a time
Fandom: Gundam 00
Characters/Pairing: Marina, Setsuna; Setsuna/Marina
Rating: G
Word Count: 114
For whatever reason, Marina finds Setsuna F. Seiei as an unexpected guest in her home at least once a month.
She does not know whether it’s good or bad that she no longer minds.
Their conversations are short and often filled with content silences, but he eventually has her telling stories or singing songs. They all begin the same, but he never seems to mind.
“There once was a boy,” she will say, and his eyes will close as if he’s finally beginning to relax.
His breathing will even out eventually, and she in turn will press a chaste kiss against his forehead, whispering, “I’m sure you’ll find your own happy ending soon enough.”