Title: A Lesson to be Learned
Disclaimer: Actually, these people are mine. 8) No takey.
Prompt: #3 - Sin (Mistake)
Fandom: Original
Character(s): the gods (names withheld ;D)
Word Count: 184
Rating: K (Srsly. This thing is like...FOR ANYONE. XD)
Author's Note: 8> I love it when I churn out writing.
My sister is a fool.
She may try to act like the older one, but she is not. She is the third, and I am the second. Wisdom has been granted to me, not my brother nor my sister.
This whole idea of hers is utter foolishness; true love? That can never work out. Mortal beings simply do not have the life energy needed.
Especially those two. Never could those two be with each other. I know this very well.
And yet, my sister still hopes, still believes. Even my brother is beginning to support her, though he is usually the first to cut her down.
I reread my book, again and again, yet the words never change; what is done is done, and nothing can be changed. To change the inevitable is ludicrous.
But I shall keep myself quiet. This may be a lesson that both my brother need to learn. Their roles have made them overconfident in themselves; they know not of the truth, no matter how many times they watch me.
I can only pray that they will be all right.