From the news update on TOSTATION during 06th November 2009.
We are informed that 2 Higurashi games are gonna be released during this month.
1st we have a whole new game on PSP named
"ひぐらしの哭く頃に 雀 / Higurashi no Naku Koro Ni Suzume"
In the introduction section there was a part where it said
"In order to survive I chose to become a sparrow..."
I was like rofl hahahaha XD On the top frame you see a picture with some Mah-jong flying around.
It fun how they play around with the Kanji meanings for the story.
I am sorry..........
I found out that I made a mistake here after reading the introduction to the game over again.
It should be "In order to survive I have to play Mah-jong" X_X
Also I wonder why they use a different 哭く= Naku for the title ?_?
Wonder if there's something special for this change :3
Maybe they have a mix of the Original Higurashi story and somehow connect it with Mah-jong?
This seems like a very interesting game.
I surely hope Tomitake gets more role in this one.
Though I have no knowledge with play Mah-jong.
The games still attracts my attention alot XDDDD
[Click Image for link to the Official Site :3] 2nd we have a Continuation of the previous Higurashi Fighting game from PSP,
"Higurashi Portable Daybreak Mega Edition"
The plot is mostly the same,
a treasure is to be competed for through fighting amongst other Higurashi Characters.
Last time was 2 ancient stones owned by Rika chan,
which causes forced bonds between the 2 whom attains them.
This time is a magic mirror, I dunno their plot yet lolz.
Anyways we'll know as soon as it releases XD
[Click Image for link to the official site :3]
Another Off Topic thing which I wanna mention.
It would be so nice to be in Japan ;-/
From the Anit Cast Change Thread on 2Ch,
someone was saying that they have still been releasing mobile tones of Okawa san in his Roy Taisa tone on ポケ声.
A monthly paying service from Animatemobile in Japan.
You can at least download 10 tones per month from the info I have been seeing from googling around.
While the Japanese Okawa Taisa fans can bring out and enjoy Okawa Taisa's voice on their mobiles in daily life.
I have no where to buy ringtones besides cutting them up from what I have myself......................*Sob* ∵(∩´Д`∩)∵
Here are 2 examples of what Okawa Taisa toned mobile tones the Japanese fans are getting in Japan. :
声の出演:名無しさん:2009/08/17(月) 18:10:40 ID:i9dW1eF00
>>85 ノシ 自分は今でも携帯の着声は大川さんの大佐風がいっぱいだ。
(OMG~ I would love to have this as my Alarm Tone !!!!! ~( ̄∀ ̄~)
(But the down side is I might not get out of bed because of repeating the tone in infinity loops before I finally decide to get out of bed kukuku......はー!大川大佐!了解した!) :
声の出演:名無しさん:2009/10/29(木) 11:28:58 ID:bhPffbHoOポケ声に大川さんの「文句は言わさん、ついてこい!」が新着で入ってた
(Another awesome tone which cant be resisted.......(;ω;)
(文句はいるわけないだろ? あうあう~ 一生ついてくるよ~ 大川大佐殿~)
・・・・・・・・・・・・カムバック大川大佐 Orz