2 days in a row...damn.

Mar 01, 2006 18:42

and just when i was starting to sort things out BAM!!!

The realization strikes mew deep in my core that with my major computer meltdown which evaporated everything in site (except my trusty backup) my microsoft office also vanish, now because i had the hard copy i didnt panic until i tried to reinstall it now...i get nothing but error file missing, my disc is either a)scratched or b( somehow corrupted, probably by the fact i abandoned it in it's time of need.  Oh please forgive my or lord of word...maybe now it's finally time to leave you behind and try to figure out how the hell to make a pdf file...any helpers??  i tried to learn but apparently im untalented in the new tricks department...poor older self i've given you no chance for survival.

aside from that a recent "on my i left my book at home" turned into something better when i picked up the time traveler's wife, i have been effortlessly hearing things and thought it an omen when it was the last of its kinda on the ifction shelf on the ferry going to nanaimo, so i snag it and have been engulfed in the wonder for the past two days (i haven't finished though only had limited time to read)

nehooz... according to the lj "rule book of etiquette now's when i'll slide into that ever elusive

lj cut
ok....this kinda freaks me out ...i hate when you get used to somehting then livejournal has to go a mess with it...

ah well on with the minute amount of pics..

Trip to Canberra

i thought this was amusing...McDonalds the Country...kinda creeps me out...and then i got to thinking about McDonalds as thousands and thousands of little states or provinces of a bigger well spread out Country (yes my mind really does think this way very spontaniously too)  and i wondered how many people are actually in mc donalds as i sat there thinking about this...enough to populate a country...exactly how many people are in mc donalds at any point in time....well enough talking..here's the pic that inspired this speeeeeell

another odd piece of the trip was this cloud formation..honestly it freaks me out i swear it's smiling at me...watching

i swear this lj cut better work

parliment house of australia

follwed by me and steph sitting on the dirty ground outside of parliment house

k..now this picture is of a drawing that was on display in their war memorial...its a depiction of german troops...i was amazed.now i'm a fan of good art pieces so i thought i'd share for those who'd never normally get to see,

and lastly me beside the biggest bullet i think i've ever seen,

yeah that's messed up

neways time to go play now tata

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