I'm all beast baby....
so yeah to contionue from where we left off...seattle has many crazy buildings to those who arn't from there...and dsurring my trip i kept commenting on how they were way cooler than the ones that vancouver has, but i guess its just what your use to but here's some things i thought were nuts.
This was the tallest building in the downtown core
Why do libraries always have the coolest building design?
this parking lot was insane to stare at...yes it's sad but i stare at parking lots
k now the last building im going to show, i swear the person who drew this up had one thing on his mind, i'll let you hypothesize your own theories though..
this was the view in our hotel room, i htought it was cool that right across the street there was a park, not so uincommon here but we didnt see many parks in the area of seattle we were in...
and yeah the park was right across from the library, heres a shot of me by the entrance...
and for all the skaters of the world if you look closely the entire building was circled by rails...kinda weird considering the place.
and to even it out steph by the park...
and i thought this was funny...gee i wonder which car is ours???
yeah it was interesting, and im only half done posting the photos, two more parts to come from this trip then ill be catching up on more current going on's...