Nov 30, 2005 08:07

I'M A SISTER!!! My freakin mother did the same damn thing she did to me when she got married..


I couldn't get a hold of her all day, so i'm like.. "hmm.. i'll just call the doctor" Well they told me that she didn't deliver yet, and she has an appointment on friday. Well that wasn't good enough so I called the hospital. I didn't get anything else but her name out and they're like, "yeah she's here". I WAS LIKE WTF!! So they patched me through and I'm talking to her and the reason why she didn't want me to know if because she didn't want me to leave work early. Well, fuck that, i left early anyway. Her water broke at like 5:15 tuesday morning and she went to the hospital, thank GOD richie didn't leave yet or he would have been in frederick and had to come back... talkin about an extra hour worth of wait. Well she goes to the hospital and they had to induce her because when her water broke the baby had a "bowl movement" aka took a crap... and they thought that maybe she swallowed some.. which would be very bad! Well she was 5 centimeters at 1:30 and I was talking to her at like 2:45 and that poor woman was in some pain! Well she had to go at 3 because the docs were coming back in. I called my boss and told him that I had to leave because my mom was having a baby. Called Gary so he could meet me there, I wanted him to see what a baby looks like right after it's born. Then I was talking to erin online, and she's like a sister to me and my mom loves her, so she was coming. Well we all met at the hospital at like 3:42. I go to walk up the hallway and there's Richie full of smiles! I ran up to him and asked him and he's like.. "it's done!". not but like.. 5 minutes before we got there! He was so freakin happy you don't even know. Well he shows me where the room is.. and oh my goodness.. she was precious. Richie didn't get to cut the cord though because it was around her neck, which sucks because it's his first, and his last kid. I'm so happy for them though. I never got to hold my little brother... ever... EVER! So to hold my little sister was the biggest joy I could have ever expected. I was the first person to feed her, to burp her, and to fall asleep in my arms. She was... amazing. It's kind of weird to think that she's pretty much already an aunt and I'm going to have one in 6 months. There's so much though. You have to burp them after every ounce of milk, and hold them up and hold their chin up and rub/pat their back, but don't hold their chin too close to their neck, and you have to write down every time she "uses her diaper", it's just... A LOT. Gary wouldn't hold her, he was afraid, which I understand, but you better believe he's gonna get an arm full when ours is born. Man.. so much excitement yesterday. But anyway...

Desiree Capri
November 29, 2005 3:38 pm
7.7 lbs 19 inches

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