May 19, 2005 09:47
It continually blows me away and aggravates the hell out of me that people who know me well and claim to have kept up and cared about what I have chosen to do with my life for the past 5+ years still send me crap that purely promotes Christianity as being the only right, that insults and smears other cultures and religions, and have made downright racist and intolerant remarks to my face. Give me a freakin' break! As if I don't make myself perfectly clear. Don't have any interest in hearing it!
*sigh* I just get tired of people who claim to know you and still don't respect your deep beliefs and passions. I don't go out and push others to take on new religions or change their beliefs because I deeply respect their right and honor their decision to feel what they feel and believe what they believe. I wish others would honor that and do the same for me.
Sorry for the gripe, but I just recieved another one of those "Christ in Congress" type emails, and I am SO tired of all the self-righteousness.