
Nov 02, 2007 09:49

Did I mention that I got my orange belt :)

So in summarry I have thus far demonstrated:

White belt
Required Techniques

1. Forward rolling breakfall.
2. Front (& side) breakfall.
3. Back rolling breakfall.
4. Side breakfall.
5. Hip throw.
6. Escapes against front strangles (3).
7. Recumbent ankle throw.
8. Straight arm lock (2).
9. Escapes against back strangles (3).
10. Shoulder lock (2).
11. Basic blocking techniques (8).
12. Basic strikes.
13. Mat etiquette.
14. Novice Kata (12 moves).

Etiquette -
Bow before the following

1. Entering and leaving the Dojo.
2. Beginning and end of class.
3. On and off tatami (mat).
4. Talking to an instructor.
5. Beginning and end of match.
6. Beginning and end of training with partner.
7. Beginning and end of grading.

Japanese Terminology

• Ju-Jitsu - Compliant Art
• Tatami - Training mat
• Sensei - Instructor
• Obi - Belt
• Gi - Uniform/Suit
• Rei - To bow

Other requirements

Must have 1 badge
Must know 2 throws

Anatomy - Bones of the Arm

Yellow Belt
Required Techniques

NB. A thorough knowledge of the White Belt syllabus (including all variations) is expected before a student is permitted to grade for Yellow Belt.

1. Hip throw with shoulder arm lock.
2. Hip throw with cross over arm lock.
3. Defences against kicks to the head (2).
4. Arm locks from a standing position (3).
5. Shoulder arm lock from punch.
6. Shoulder arm lock from collar grab at rear & punch to head.
7. Reclining leg throw with strikes.
8. Wrist locks from a standing position (2).
9. Escapes from ground strangles (3).
10. Escapes from hair grabs (3).
11. Wrist throw from push.
12. Wrist throw from punch.
13. Novice Kata (24 moves).

Japanese Terminology

• Ate - To attack
• Bu-Jitsu - Martial arts
• Geri - Kick
• Dojo - Training hall

Other requirements

Must have 2 badges
Must know 4 throws
Anatomy - Bones of the Leg
and this

Orange Belt
Required Techniques

NB. A thorough knowledge of the White and Yellow Belt syllabus (including all variations) is expected before a student is permitted to grade for Orange Belt.

1. Half Shoulder.
2. Body drop.
3. Leg throw & lock (2).
4. Dropping full shoulder (2).
5. Back hammer lock (2).
6. Crab claw scissors.
7. Attacking sweeping loin throw.
8. Defending sweeping loin throw.
9. Outside hock throw.
10. Drawing ankle throw.
11. Stamp throw.
12. Inside hock throw.
13. Novice Kata

Japanese Terminology

• Bokken - Wooden training sword
• Tanto - Knife
• Tonfa - Wooden batons/night-sticks
• Nunchaku - Rice Flails
• Bo - Wooden Staff
• Katana - Metal Sword
• Kama - Sickles/threshing blades

Other Requirements

Must have 3 badges
Must know 10 throws

Miscellaneous Anatomy

213 bones in the human body
Average brain weighs 1/50 of overall body weight (approx. 3kg)
28 bones in the head
33 bones in spine
8 pints of blood in average human body
Scapula - Shoulder Blade
Clavicle - Collar Bone

And I am now learning this:

Required Techniques

NB. A thorough knowledge of the White, Yellow and Orange Belt syllabus (including all variations) is expected before a student is permitted to grade for Green Belt.

1. Knee wheel throw (2).
2. Bar choke (2).
3. Bear hug escapes - 2 over, 2 under, from front & back.
4. Shoulder throws (4 variations).
5. Full nelson escapes (2).
6. Half nelson escapes (2).
7. Front scissors throw.
8. Basic atemi strikes (10).
9. Rice bale throws .
10. Hold down with double arm lock.
11. Variations on chokes & strangles (6).
12. Kicking Kata

Japanese Terminology

• Hidari - Left
• Meji - Right
• Ritsu rei -Standing bow
• Za rei - Kneeling bow
• Tzuki - Punch

Other requirements

Must have 4 badges
Must know 12 throws
Anatomy - Bones of the Skull

I can't tell you how chuffed I am with myself :)
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